Intel Core i7-5960X Review with ASUS X99 Deluxe


The Guvnor
Staff member

The next generation of premium Intel CPU and Chipsets are upon us, in the form of the 8 Core Haswell-E i7-5960X, on the ASUS X99 Deluxe motherboard.

Intel Core i7-5960X Review with ASUS X99 Deluxe Review
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Gah, I don't think I'll bother with X99. I don't need 12 threads, and while affording it is a non-issue, I just can't justify spending nearly €1000 on a motherboard, CPU and 16GB of DDR4. :eek:

Performance on the other hand, particularly a workstation, there's no beating it. Although it's a pity the turbo frequencies are as low as they are though. The two 8-core Xeon E5-2687V2's that are in my workstation at work turbo up to 4GHz. No way Intel is going to sacrifice their huge margin Xeon business though. :p
Great review.

Wow Tomb Raider really benefits from the extra cores, Wish they would of done like they did with the last gen though, 4930K had the same cores as the extreme version.

Not out of my price range but it would be wasted on me due to only gaming with 1 GPU and not needing a gazillion gigs of ram ^_^
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Awesome eagerly awaited write up Guv, but just wow that price! Very impressed with the Asus board though, kudos to them. Saving the Video for later.
Ive done 72 hours since 6am Monday morning when I started all the X79 stuff.....

To say Im tired right now is an understatement. I enjoy seeing you lot like it but I need a hardware break this weekend!
Glad everyone likes it. Sure that price is steep, but for those of us who use loads of applications that wants more threads than a weaver, it's extremely tempting.
Ive done 72 hours since 6am Monday morning when I started all the X79 stuff.....

To say Im tired right now is an understatement. I enjoy seeing you lot like it but I need a hardware break this weekend!

Take a break, put your feet up, were all here to watch things. ;)
To get things right : That slide in the begging is wrong.
P4EE is ~178 000 000 000 transistor chip, ie. 0,178B : LINK
I own that CPU (and first Dual Core from Intel too ;)), so belive me, I know how many are there :)
And THAT was the first 1000$ CPU from Intel.

PS. 1,7M ?
That isn't much more than 80486 (the thing BEFORE "Pentium 1") level - LOL : LINK

Intel : Why no DDR3/DDR4 IMC (Phenom II AM2+/AM3 style), WHY !
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So much want, but can not have :(

The 5960X is defiantly a beast, those benchmarks scores are epic.

I'm looking forward to seeing how the 5820k does though, i'm planning on upgrading around summer next year and if Skylake is another side grade from Sandy like Ivy and Haswell have been I might go X99 with a 5820k instead. Prices for x99 motherboards and DDR4 should be a bit cheaper by then as well.
TYPO- i7 5960x review

The advertised differences are largely the ones we've already explained above. It's strange to see that the amount of PCI Express 3.0 lanes has gone from 40 to up to 40.

I think you mean it has gone up from 16 to 40...
According to the OC-Socket will void your cpu's warranty, not really sure why they did it then, especially since it only seems to make a differance for extreme ocing

"Wie Intel auf Nachfrage von ComputerBase mitteilt, ist der von Asus genutzte Sockel nicht als Teil der Plattform validiert. Intel teilt mit, dass die Garantie der CPU beim Einsatz in entsprechenden Mainboards formal erlischt."

roughly translated:

upon computerbase's request Intel said that the socket used by Asus is not validated as part of the platform,..., when a CPU is used in such a board the warranty will be void
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The advertised differences are largely the ones we've already explained above. It's strange to see that the amount of PCI Express 3.0 lanes has gone from 40 to up to 40.

I think you mean it has gone up from 16 to 40...

No typo - its meant to be comical :p
Judging by prices on Newegg's Irish operation (didn't know they had one!), the pricing for an upgrade for me comes to €950 for a basic (non boutique) X99 motherboard, a 5930k, and 16GB of DDR4. I wasn't far off with my estimate of €1k before.

I got my current CPU, board and memory for around €400 in comparison. But I got the memory back when DDR3 was dirt cheap around late 2011, those days are long gone sadly. :(

I guess I was hoping for a high clocked quad core like the 4820k, but it's not to be. I think I'll pass and hold on to what I've got for another while, but even if I was to upgrade it'd be next summer before I'd do so.
That's pretty impressive. 2 x 8 core xeon (2687) get 2069 on cinebench r15. That's not much more than the 1800 of the overclocked 8 core... whole lot less money avoiding dual xeons too :)