Inserting your Stylus in Backwards will break your Samsung Galaxy Note 5

I think the problem might have been that they had no-one to steal a better design from that would stop the pen being put in the wrong way. They must have truly moronic hardware designers if such an obvious flaw made it to the final product.
You would think that it would be impossible to get through any decent design process without the "lets try the stupid stuff" testing. When I have to test software, I do exactly that. Try the dumbest stuff, like in this case - what happens if I put the stylus in wrong?

The "deflection" attempt in their answer to the problem is just dumb.
Deflection will not work. Lawyers are probably already lining up to climb into Samsung's deep pockets.
Deflection will not work. Lawyers are probably already lining up to climb into Samsung's deep pockets.

Probably not. The manual says to only do it one way. It comes with the phone. If you don't read it, that's your fault. While it sucks that they made it this way, in court nothing would happen.
Probably not. The manual says to only do it one way. It comes with the phone. If you don't read it, that's your fault. While it sucks that they made it this way, in court nothing would happen.

Yup they provided guidance and a warning if you do it incorrectly, (and I imagine a note (get it?) somewhere that said, read manual before use) so they're 100% covered.
Samsung did not insert the stylus in backwards, oh wait that was you [insert your name if you have done it]... looks like you need to go buy a new smartphone (probably be for the best if you decide against a stylus based model)