I'm confused with my Asus GTX 780 DC20C


New member
So I have a ASUS GTX 780 DC20C 3GDDR5 that I haven't done anything to but open the box and put it in my computer and use it. Recently I noticed the temperatures were hitting 80c, which is normal for cards because they are set to hit that but searching around everyone with my card is getting temperatures of 65c and 70c maximum and I am constantly hitting 80c and it is bothering me because it is a aftermarket card it should be running cooler. So I figured it is probably the thermal paste so I replaced it with NT-H1 and the card has the exact same temperatures. I did noticed when taking it apart nearly all the screws required another full turn to be tight. The card is in no way suffocated it has 2 120mm fans blowing directly at it that are getting completely unrestricted air flow which is why I am even more baffled. Can anyone enlighten me?
What case, airflow options and other hardware are you using?

Got some pics of the inside of your case?
I am using a Antec Lanboy Air case and a nh-d14 for my i7 970, I have 1 WD black hard drive, 1 SSD, and a sound card just above the gpu. I can't take pictures of it right now.

Edit: There is nothing under the GPU.
I am using a Antec Lanboy Air case and a nh-d14 for my i7 970, I have 1 WD black hard drive, 1 SSD, and a sound card just above the gpu. I can't take pictures of it right now.

Well, those cards do come with GPU Boost 2.0, which allows the card to reach up to 80 degrees iirc. Thus meaning it will overclock itself until it reaches this temperature again.

Maybe the people you're comparing it to had set their own custom fan profile, or measured while gaming when you measured your temps during benchmarks/ stresss tests?
I don't know the exact way they tested, they didn't say, but I have looked at 8 review sites for the card and all of them have relatively the same temperatures for stress testing. It doesn't matter whether I am playing titanfall, bf4, or running unigine valley it always hits 80c but if I fold on it it will linger around 75c. I don't understand what is wrong unless I got a defective card. I can't find anyone with temperatures like me. =(
But what sort of FPS are you getting then?

As I said, GPU Boost 2.0 will allow your card to reach 80 degrees. If it doesn't even reach that, it might just overclock your card until it does. You can probably turn this off somewhere in the Nvidia configuration screen and do a manual overclock + fan profile (might be what the reviewers did).
But I can't find anyone at all with a card like mine hitting 80c. So then this is normal and not a defective card? I figured it would hit a clock limit before a temperature limit being a aftermarket cooler.

I'm not trying to argue and be difficult I just don't get why I have done the exact same thing as everyone else and my card wants to run 80c while everyone else runs 60c it just doesn't make sense to me. I looked over all 8 reviews and none of them did any special configuring they called out.

I understand the card boosts until it reaches 80c but no one with my card is actually getting there even when they overclock and I am just running it default. I hope you understand why I am frustrated.
Every card is different mate, like Tom keeps saying " It's the silicon lottery " Like you've already mentioned you don't now how they tested their cards, they might have a more aggressive fan profile, you just don't now.

Like Tom said if your hitting 80 and the fans are at 100%, then you might have a problem, but as it sits right now, it seems fine mate, I understand that your concerned, but you can't compare one card to another, it's like apples and oranges.

If you post a picture of your case, people might be able to suggest a better more optimal, fan set up, I think that is the best you can hope for mate. Either that or run your cooler at full whack and put up with the noise.
My reference 780Ti hits 83c with GPU boost. Disable GPU boost/make a custom fan profile and temperature won't be so bad. Every card is different.