HI guys I am getting a pc for christmas please can you tell me what parts to get

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name='AMD AMD !! said:
Eguy' said:
:ar: :ar: :ar: :nono: :cussing: ;)

Thabks for letting me permission to read the rig specs but I cant read public profiles

A few more posts and u will be able to matey, just hang in there and keep on postin :)

I only have 250 pounds to play with my budget just got halfed can u help me I will not want a video card or anything else just the basics
If you want to go mATX I'd look at the Aspire X-QPACK portable cubecase and the Asus A8N-VM mATX mobo as it runs an nForce chipset and has a decent onboard vid card, that would save you some money as well. But if you're still looking for some gaming performance you could always slap a 6800GT or newer vid card in it :)

Asus A8N-VM: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16813131570

Aspire X-QPACK Case: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16811144109

(obviously don't be a n00b like all of the reviewers and actually try to use the PSU that comes with the case, that's just flat out moronic)
I bought a real cheap mATX motherboard and Dave's old 6200. I'm getting a sweet silverstone case , some cheapo RAM and a nice E3/6 cpu so that should be all good :)