Thanks for your anser. I have had my 5960x for right after it came out.
But it was not realy an anser to my quistion... Is there coming a new grafikcard "soon" that is
worth waiting for?
If not, then i am going to get 2 X GTX 980Ti 6Gb...
Right now you need a minimum of two 980ti if you want to max out games. But be warned, this means very low minimums of around 30 FPS and sometimes lower. You will dip into the 20s, even on 980ti SLI @ 4k with ultra settings.
Will Pascal offer a single card that can power 4k? will AMD? nobody knows dude, not even Tom. What they basically need to do that properly and realistically is 2-3x the power of their existing GPUs. That's not an unrealistic thing to expect but right now absolutely nobody knows as high end Polaris and Pascal either don't yet exist or remain the secret of AMD and Nvidia respectively.
I don't know if you have a 4k monitor already but my advice remains the same. Buy a cheap 1440p monitor and wait for Pascal and Polaris.
I'm already in up to my neck but I originally bought two Titan Black cards for £1400 and within 11 months Nvidia had released the 980ti which was as fast as both Titan Black cards for less than I paid for 1.
4k is not quite there yet. It's definitely not something you should do right now. However, if you already bought the monitor and it's too late then yes, two 980ti will suffice but be warned within six months they could be replaced with something twice as powerful, leaving you with a heat farm that has cost you £1000. Which logically is just money wasted, like when I bought £1400 worth of Titan Black.
All on you dude