GTA V PC New Release date and System Specs


News Guru
GTA V has just got it's system specs and a new release date on PC. While I'm disappointed on the later release date, those specs do seems fairly low.


Read more on the GTA V official system Specs and it's new release date here.
If it is to avoid a really buggy game, I don't mind. Its annoying but as long as it is a decent port I don't mind.
4k screenshots, mention of 1080 60 fps and low system requirements. If rockstar nail the optimization it will show the industry that PC gamers are worth it.
When I first heard about GTAV coming to PC I really couldn't give a damn about the game. Not my type of thing at all, heck the last GTA I played was top down! Then I heard about it having a first person option. Now, now I'm interested. I have always hated third person games, I just don't play them. I have been watching some Youtube game play played in first person and it looks great! (Nerd3) I have not been hyped for a console port in a great many years.
indeed, those spec would suggest proper optimization, who know gta v could be the game to show what a proper pc port can do and look like, at least that's my hope
Erm is it even a port lads? It's my understanding that it was developed on and for PC from the very start.

I'm still suspicious about a DVD drive being an item on the recommended/minimum specs.

Tbh it will be faster than downloading it. You could already be playing the game with a disk install and then getting it on steam before you probably even got 5GB downloaded through digital.

I know this because my brother got Inquisition for Xmas on dvd and i got the whole thing onto origin in only an hour fully installed. Beats downloading the 26GB file.
I will be sitting there cheering to my internet so I will stay constantly at my raging 1.6mb/s download speed. I will get the DVD for sure :lol: