Fallout 4 system requirements released


News Guru
Fallout 4 system requirements released. Can you run it? Good thing it is much less severe than Battlefront.


Find out Fallout 4's system requirements.
some how i already knew this, that's why i upgraded to a 780 a while back.
dont ask me how i already knew this, but i had been told some where.
(this took me from the min spec to recommended spec in terms of gpu. without factoring in overclocks)
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I so want this. Looking forward to seeing how it runs on my new system with the 980. I hope I can run great settings at 1440P.
Wait, what?

Minimum: NVIDIA GTX 550 Ti 2GB/AMD Radeon HD 7870 2GB or equivalent

This is either wrong or it mean that it's terribly optimized for AMD because GTX 550 Ti is a whole lot less powerful than the 7870.

I'm gonna cry once more..my 7790 is gonna cry a alot harder tho..
If GTX 550 Ti can run it so should the 7790 if you have a 2Gb version unless they're about to screw over AMD users.
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Well i'll be fine if AMD can sort out some crossfire support for it. Given how old the Creation Engine is surely it cant be all that hard to get the drivers crossfire ready before launch?

ahh who am i kidding....
Well i'll be fine if AMD can sort out some crossfire support for it. Given how old the Creation Engine is surely it cant be all that hard to get the drivers crossfire ready before launch?

ahh who am i kidding....

It's far more than likely an updated/modified engine. Given how the graphics in the game aren't cutting edge or anything, I suspect you won't really need much GPU horsepower.
Surprising they look for an Intel i7 or the AMD FX-9590 as the recommended.

Is it going to be quite CPU bound? Probably likely if Skyrim was any indicator.
Surprising they look for an Intel i7 or the AMD FX-9590 as the recommended.

Is it going to be quite CPU bound? Probably likely if Skyrim was any indicator.

Dont know skyrim dosent use nuthing on my system even with 60+ mods it just potters on by @ about %15-%30 cpu usage.
I highly doubt it needs a i7 tbh (games dont make use of hyper threading) its just devs being devs lol @ 550ti vs 270x(7870) when have these 2 cards ever been in the same ballpark or even in the same planet :yelrotflmao:

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Dont know skyrim dosent use nuthing on my system even with 60+ mods it just potters on by @ about %15-%30 cpu usage.
I highly doubt it needs a i7 tbh (games dont make use of hyper threading) its just devs being devs

Pretty much every benchmark I've ever seen with Skyrim had the Intel i5s, i7s and even i3 pushing any given graphics card to a high fps rate than any AMD CPU.

Although I played through skyrim like 5+ times with various mods on my last system which had an AMD FX-8350 with no overclock, a GTX 780 (which I still have) and a Radeon 7950 Boost before it.

It always ran quite well, but I remember having to turn down the shadows or some other setting. But generally with that, the frame rate remained locked at 60fps like 90% of the time but every now and again it would drop to the mid 40's. So even if I hadn't the strongest CPU, it didn't prevent me from enjoying the game a lot.

It will actually be damn interesting to see how it does run across different hardware. Bethesda were said to have been taking their time with the release to make sure it was done right.

It's also a game I'm really looking forward to, given previous games you could really get lost in for days/weeks on end. :)
Pretty much every benchmark I've ever seen with Skyrim had the Intel i5s, i7s and even i3 pushing any given graphics card to a high fps rate than any AMD CPU.

Although I played through skyrim like 5+ times with various mods on my last system which had an AMD FX-8350 with no overclock, a GTX 780 (which I still have) and a Radeon 7950 Boost before it.

It always ran quite well, but I remember having to turn down the shadows or some other setting. But generally with that, the frame rate remained locked at 60fps like 90% of the time but every now and again it would drop to the mid 40's. So even if I hadn't the strongest CPU, it didn't prevent me from enjoying the game a lot.

It will actually be damn interesting to see how it does run across different hardware. Bethesda were said to have been taking their time with the release to make sure it was done right.

It's also a game I'm really looking forward to, given previous games you could really get lost in for days/weeks on end. :)

Skyrim had problems with AMD card's particularly when you whent inside a area my old 7950 used to get about %20 usage inside makeing the card go in to 2D mode and start geting stuttering and fps jump around (fixed that by stoping the card going in to 2D mode)
i have played skyrim unmoded on a 6670 its not a hard game to run
Well I have pushed the boat out and ordered the full on Pip Boy edition for £110 IIRC so no going back now...

What I am hoping is that they do what they did last time and unofficially offer a high res patch. Last time not many people were using 1080p, so they launched an unofficial high res pack that made it look incredible. Hoping a 4k pack comes out :D

Either way? I'm so looking forward to this. I've felt completely empty since I exhausted about 4000 hours into FO3 and around half that into New Vegas..

I've not been excited about gaming since around 2011 tbh. It's been a long wait, but this is shaping up to be stunning. Absolutely love how they have added Minecraft elements so you can build houses to live in and furnish them with turrets that all need to be connected and wired up.

Check out these videos.



Seriously? we haven't even scratched the surface of how enormous this game is going to be, both in depth and in pure content.

Bethesda did not spend one second of dev time on the engine, deciding to concentrate on content instead.

Which is what Fallout is all about.

I'm hard. Yup, I got wood.
I hope they did spend some time on the engine ^_^

well they must have lol..
theres a lot of stuff in there that i dont think the old engine could do.
Crafting "although a bit of a gimick these days, seems to be workable"
Building outposts/houses etc "really not something you would have done in 3, and vastly improved over skyrim"
along with other bits and bobs.
really does imply they did do quite a few tweaks to the engine.. fair enough it does not look like they bothered much with the graphics side of things but As i have said before it looks plenty good enough to me.

And again im sure within a few months there will be end user made texture packs and mods. "i can feel the modders eagerly itching to pretty it up"

I swear i think some people will buy the game just to re texture it and be all "look what i made"
And i appreciate that lol.
I also appreciate that it will be here November. and prettying it up worrying about optimization and system specs would have undoubtedly delayed that.

I hope they did spend some time on the engine ^_^

Ya IDK what ALX is on about. Last Fallout game was New Vegas back from 2010.. not even touching the engine would be quite stupid from a dev point of view when they are adding all that new and updated content to the game. Quite logical to say they updated it^_^