Dice have never released a game without major issues at launch, even before Covid so blaming Covid for the game being a mess is just to funny.
They still have not managed to fix the frame drops, packet loss, graphical glitches etc etc on Battlefield 3, 4, 5 and many others in the series.
Give the Engine and the game to a developer who can actually fix most if not all of those issues and Battlefield will be a good game, but for me the game is a no go until I see a review saying they have fixed every issue that has plagued Dice games for over 10 years.
Unfortunately that won't happen, same with Call Of Duty games although to be honest I think I am just looking for more from games now, than the usual run and gun with no objective or benefit to the gameplay or game, since COD and Battlefield both have "Pay to win" mechanics or sorry "Suprise mechanics" in them, meaning I can just buy the "Best Gear" and play with that from day 1 without earning it and feeling a sense of accomplishment.
Yeah, I think many are. They're hoping that the fundamental issues (not bugs or cheating necessarily) of the previous games will be gone. People want huge open battlefields again.
I have been a long time player of Battlefield 3 and I haven't since a year or two after it's launch experienced those issues that you are talking about.
Haven't experienced frame drops, packet loss or graphical glitches from the game. Initially yes, it was horrible. But they fixed up a lot of it and since probably 1-2 years after, not noticed anything really.
But then again, I focus on the game itself, the gameplay, having fun and less on the little problems that the game may have here and there. If I would do that, I'd drive me nuts and ruin the round. Now why would I do that?
Last time I tried Battlefield 3 was about 2 months ago and it still suffered from it all, it wasn't always something you could see but you could feel the issues whilst playing.
Interesting to hear that you all experiencing issues, when I haven't experienced any of the mentioned... Could just be the fact that I am too focused on the game at hand though :lol:
I went back to BF3 and BF4 recently without any real issues, much less than I get playing say Warzone or PUBG anyway, the debug icons on BF4 make it quite easy to spot if anything does appear (Ping, server issues, ect)