Corsair c70 Build


New member

I would like to post my first build. I build this a few months back and decided to mod the case a little by adding a Psu cover and a panel to cover the drive bay. Hope you like it :)

Please give me you feedback.


Drive bay panel

Bottom fan below the psu cover

Psu cover

Led strip

Nzxt Sentry mix 2 + 2 Corsair AF 120mm fans

Crazy mess

Side view

front side view


Silverstone cables

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I do like the C70 case something about the rugged industrial look to it . If I might make a suggestion the red vinyl wrap looks a little to bright draws your eye away from the clean look you have made with your board and cabling . Other than that I like what you have done fella .
On my own C70 I cut out the 5.2 drive bays and built my own custom one with another 120 mm fan drawing air over the 2.5 drives I have in there .
I do like the C70 case something about the rugged industrial look to it . If I might make a suggestion the red vinyl wrap looks a little to bright draws your eye away from the clean look you have made with your board and cabling . Other than that I like what you have done fella .
On my own C70 I cut out the 5.2 drive bays and built my own custom one with another 120 mm fan drawing air over the 2.5 drives I have in there .

Thanks for the feedback :D have you a picture of yours. I could change the colour when its finsihed. its easy to apply the vinyl mabey try white or black. Think the red fan would stand out better on a black cover.
I can't post pics yet . But as soon as i'm able I shall be posting some with a build log . :D . making new cables up and sleeves blue grey .
I don't particularly like the looks for the C70 in white/black. Camouflage green looks nice only if you throw a green G1 board by gigabyte and a reference NVIDIA card.

What you did with that case is really really neat actually. :D
I don't particularly like the looks for the C70 in white/black. Camouflage green looks nice only if you throw a green G1 board by gigabyte and a reference NVIDIA card.

What you did with that case is really really neat actually. :D

Thank you .

Yeah I like the green one to. My game room is red and black and white. So this goes well.

I want to cover that fan at the bottom a little as the back of the fan looks awful. not sure what to use.

Painted the drive bay and psu cover.

Connected New cables Extensions.

Changed the Sapphire Led to red
I like the black added, and I'd even add more by doing the edges of the boxes with a black stripe about an inch wide, wrapping the corners. If it's not too late, I'd also make the grain of the covers match instead of being perpendicular.
I like the black added, and I'd even add more by doing the edges of the boxes with a black stripe about an inch wide, wrapping the corners. If it's not too late, I'd also make the grain of the covers match instead of being perpendicular.

Some good ideas there :) thank you. I like the black edge suggestion. What do you mean by wrapping the corner ?
Some good ideas there :) thank you. I like the black edge suggestion. What do you mean by wrapping the corner ?

as if the black is a piece of tape that is centered on the corner, so that half of it is on top and half on the front side, or on the vertical piece, half on inside edge and half on the outside edge.

Like on this trunk, but just the edges, not the bands on the rest

Yes i have a fan grill ordered so once that arrives i will change this ring maybe spray it or something. Also i want to change the fan on the back of the case not sure just yet if i should paint it. I have herd it could mess up the weight.
Nicely done dude, very neat. I've actually gone off carbon vinyl, but the industrial styling of the case makes it work in your case. Kudos