Corsair Announces the Strafe RGB Silent Mechanical Keyboard


News Guru
Have a look at Corsair's new Cherry MX Silent Strafe RGB Keyboard, which is 30% quieter than other mechanical keyboards.


Read more on Corsair's Cherry MX Silent Strafe Keyboard.
They announced it quite a while back. I believe it was at the same time as the Void headset and the Scimitar mouse. I don't see how this is news?
They announced it quite a while back. I believe it was at the same time as the Void headset and the Scimitar mouse. I don't see how this is news?

It is available now. You can but it rather than just look at videos.
I have the MX Brown variant right now and I'm really liking it... haven't really played around with the MX Silent yet, will probably get one soon and compare the two.
At first, I really thought that the build quality is going to take a hit since its a cheaper alternative to our K70/K95 line up. The frame is made of plastic as oppose to K70/K95 brushed aluminum. Surprisingly, I wasn't turned off by that, the way it is built feels solid and sturdy.. and the matte finish is definitely a plus. Perhaps the only thing that I wish we had kept is, the media controls. Those dedicated keys are just convenient to have on the fly. But in return, with STRAFE, we get the USB pass through back which will always come in handy when you need an extra port. The font is better on STRAFE I think, as they are larger compare to the K70. To me, it looks like the colors are better projected through the key caps, or maybe its just because I have bad eyes :p

Overall, I really thought that I was going to be disappointed by STRAFE since I am so used to our K70's superior build quality, but STRAFE obviously proved me wrong. You can actually appreciate every bits of it for practical reasons. At the end of the day, I think it'll come down to self preference, as both KBs are exceptionally well designed.