Because TF2 clones have always succeeded...
This is going to be crap.
Looks a LOT like Team Fortress 2.
Sadly that is true, fan boys will line up to pre-order anything Blizz makes without any worry that the game will be bad.Blizzard have the luxury of fan boyism to the point where unless a game is truly truly terrible it is highly likely it'll be successful. I mean there aren't many developers/publishers that can fill a whole convention by themselves
To be fair Blizzard do normally produce games to a certain degree of polish so i'm hopeful but we shall see
I can get behind this one. I'm not even too fond of TF2, they ruined quite a few things that made the original TF good.
And then ruined TF2 by making it free to play.
Ye, this is going to die.
I love the look of that found the into vid quite amusing.
Not sure about the game but the way that was written hell they probs would be better off doing an animated film about it lol.
blizz' cg work is up there with the best, really cant understand why they dont break into animation for the big screen. i wouldnt be s urprised to see a cartoon about overwatch, a webseries or such
Totally agree about TF2, seems like now the servers are over run bye kids