Battlefield Hardline Will Be 900p and 720p on PS4 and Xbox One


News Guru
It has been announced that Battlefield Hardline Will Be 900p and 720p on PS4 and Xbox One respectively. The game is only a little more demanding than Battlefield 4 so PC users should be able to play at 1080p if they already did.


Read more on Battlefield Hardline's resolution on current generation consoles here
Not to mention it seems to be more optimized then 4 ever was (thus far).

-edit- still yet to understand the GPUs in recommended specifications. Its more like 280 and 760, not 290.
In the last beta I was getting around 60fps at 4K with it cranked to Ultra preset, which is about what I get from Battlefield 4 at the same settings but Hardline look fugly!

I am still not going to buy it as to me it is still just a BF4 expansion pack, but it did seem to play alot smoother than BF4 does to this day but it still had the some of the same, issues with deaths behind cover, bad hit reg and stupid lag.

As for the console resolutions, I wasn't expecting much more for the Xbox One having spent quite alot of time playing Titanfall, Call Of Duty and Destiny which all have issues with frame drops and other issues related to the low powered hardware in them.
I want to buy it, but I'm so nervous that its bug ridden again its 50/50 atm. But I do want it at launch. :(

I'm feeling the same way. I don't wanna feed the way battlefield is going (The CoD approach) But i do always have fun in the battlefield games even if some have been far better than others
Fun is certain to be had, its just a case of will the game freeze, crash, not load at all thats the worry if we buy it before release.
Lol true but I could live with that. Disagree with the pricing though, not sure what it is on PC but on console its 60 quid, add in premium and thats 100 for a game!!

I've spent more on Elite Dangerous.. regret it too but it is fun.

I don't play FPS really anymore. Its more fun on console since its easier to play with friends. I don't care about FPS graphics tbh as long as its fun.
720p and 30 FPS gaming is soooo 1999/last century:

1024X768 = 786 432 pixels
1280X720 = 921 600 pixels, a mere 14% increase!

Fun fact: 3Dmark 2000, which launched on
December 6 1999, used 1024x768 as the standard resolution for its benchmark routine!

That's it M$??? A 14% increase in visual resolution in the last 15 years is the very best you could do? Less than 1% per year improvement is what you strive for? Incredibly amazing you are still in business.

Hint for you next console: 1080P and 60FPS MINIMUM frame rate. How about that?

Sony is not much better with its 900p 1600X900 resolution, but at least it's 1 440 000 pixels, or 45% better than 1024X768 *AND* it can do 1080p in many games. Unfortunately, almost all at 30FPS. I'm not aware of a single game that runs at 1080p/60FPS on the PS4 anyway.

Both consoles were pretty much dead on arrival and obsolete from day 1. Already, only 1 year after thier lauch, they must heavily compromise with lower resolution, lower visual quality settings and for the most part, can't even afford post processing like anti aliasing and anisotropic filtering. That's just fucking sad.
720p and 30 FPS gaming is soooo 1999/last century:

1024X768 = 786 432 pixels
1280X720 = 921 600 pixels, a mere 14% increase!

Fun fact: 3Dmark 2000, which launched on [/B]December 6 1999, used 1024x768 as the standard resolution for its benchmark routine!

That's it M$??? A 14% increase in visual resolution in the last 15 years is the very best you could do? Less than 1% per year improvement is what you strive for? Incredibly amazing you are still in business.

Hint for you next console: 1080P and 60FPS MINIMUM frame rate. How about that?

Sony is not much better with its 900p 1600X900 resolution, but at least it's 1 440 000 pixels, or 45% better than 1024X768 *AND* it can do 1080p in many games. Unfortunately, almost all at 30FPS. I'm not aware of a single game that runs at 1080p/60FPS on the PS4 anyway.

Both consoles were pretty much dead on arrival and obsolete from day 1. Already, only 1 year after thier lauch, they must heavily compromise with lower resolution, lower visual quality settings and for the most part, can't even afford post processing like anti aliasing and anisotropic filtering. That's just fucking sad.

Despite the fact your raging isn't needed... you are also wrong. Calculating a resolution increase and applying it to a game as if it was the sole reason it can't go higher in fidelity and framerate is very... sad.

COD:AW runs 1080p 60fps. Research would have given that answer.

Not dead on arrival no. They are aimed at a different audience and in their view it is indeed a very significant increase in graphical fidelity and opens more doors for newer games and innovative ways of playing. Not all about the graphics. And just so you know, all console games are using Post Processing. You don't know programming so i don't expect you to understand why, if you did you wouldn't have brought it up. Just know they do. SPS on the forums is an actual dev and he will tell you they do. Without them the games look horrible. Makes a difference.

In the future please be constructive. Putting things in bold and pointing fingers isn't needed. You can voice your opinion, everyone will/does, just be constructive about it. Its how we all learn new things.
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