720p and 30 FPS gaming is soooo 1999/last century:
1024X768 = 786 432 pixels
1280X720 = 921 600 pixels, a mere 14% increase!
Fun fact: 3Dmark 2000, which launched on [/B]December 6 1999, used 1024x768 as the standard resolution for its benchmark routine!
That's it M$??? A 14% increase in visual resolution in the last 15 years is the very best you could do? Less than 1% per year improvement is what you strive for? Incredibly amazing you are still in business.
Hint for you next console: 1080P and 60FPS MINIMUM frame rate. How about that?
Sony is not much better with its 900p 1600X900 resolution, but at least it's 1 440 000 pixels, or 45% better than 1024X768 *AND* it can do 1080p in many games. Unfortunately, almost all at 30FPS. I'm not aware of a single game that runs at 1080p/60FPS on the PS4 anyway.
Both consoles were pretty much dead on arrival and obsolete from day 1. Already, only 1 year after thier lauch, they must heavily compromise with lower resolution, lower visual quality settings and for the most part, can't even afford post processing like anti aliasing and anisotropic filtering. That's just fucking sad.