Athlon x4 860K Launching next week


News Guru
Roy@AMD has revealed that AMD will be releasing their Quad core Steamroller CPU (not APU!) onto the market next week. We may have a budget performer on our hands.


Read more on the AMD Athlon 860K here
2 cores 4 modules though?

Technically speaking yes, but it will act as a quad core, the whole module stuff is nonsense anyway.

It will be interesting to see how well this performs against the Pentium 20th anniversary.
Decent watercooling that costs more than the CPU? lol

People are watercooling their Pentium chips... *glares at Barnsley*

Hope this is a good successor to the 760k, that was a proper good chip for the money for people who wanted to game on extreme budgets (allowed for a 300 pound gaming system that was actually half decent).
Im hearing it wont overclock "as well" as the 760k - obviously a different cpu though so could still put out better scores at a lower clock
People are watercooling their Pentium chips... *glares at Barnsley*

Hope this is a good successor to the 760k, that was a proper good chip for the money for people who wanted to game on extreme budgets (allowed for a 300 pound gaming system that was actually half decent).

yeah but I got my cooling for free :D.

The 760k/750k were great little chips, although the pentium has somewhat dented their appeal.
People are watercooling their Pentium chips... *glares at Barnsley*

Hope this is a good successor to the 760k, that was a proper good chip for the money for people who wanted to game on extreme budgets (allowed for a 300 pound gaming system that was actually half decent).

My G3258 is also water cooled albeit H100i but water cooled non the less, will be waiting for some numbers now to see how it stacks up ;) bring it AMD lets see what you got.
My G3258 is also water cooled albeit H100i but water cooled non the less, will be waiting for some numbers now to see how it stacks up ;) bring it AMD lets see what you got.

If the program uses all four cores it'll give the pentium a run for its money I think. I had a 750k for a short time and it was much more capable then you'd think.

When my cooling setup is fixed (next week I'll finish it) you're going dowwwwwn ;).
unless my pentium is junk
For a pentium you dont need a AiO... a single tower cooler can keep 1.5v on a PentiumK under 80 degrees
For a pentium you dont need a AiO... a single tower cooler can keep 1.5v on a PentiumK under 80 degrees

Ummm I don't think so.
If you compare a 4790k at 1.5v and a pentium k at 1.5v, the power consumption and the heat output are going to be very similar

I think that you might have been throttling in your tests causing the temp not to rise above 80c