Ark: Survival Evolved releases Unreal Engine 4 mod support


News Guru
Ark: Survival Evolved rolls out Unreal Engine 4 mod support, giving the game full steam workshop support and all the the modding support that the Unreal Engine 4 can provide.


Read more on Ark: Survival Evolved's modding tools here.
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Too bad its so unoptimized in its current state. Seems fun, from what I've seen, but you need a fairly high end rig to run it.
Just hope it doesnt turn out like DayZ standalone...

Or Rust which has been in Pre-Alpha stage for what feels like 5 years or more even though iirc it was 2013 when it was put on the Early Access list.

The annoying thing about Rust is they took most of the good things like weapon attachments out of it, when they moved to this new version.

I have not tried Ark: Survival but I have seen some videos from Youalwayswin on youtube and it does look a good game, and one I might look at in a few months.

I really think the Early Access should have a rule in it, that games have to be completed within a certain time frame unless the rule is already in and I have not seen it.
Early Access for yeah. Give em time^_^

And gameworks.
-edit- although saying that, the devs said they would work around any issues gameworks causes for AMD users with their game.

Its got promise. I'm calling abandonware in a year's time.
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