AMD Sempron 3100+


New member
Note, my capacitors died , which caused my whole PC to die somehow, dont ask me why, though PC was almost 10 years old(bought it in may 2005). It was supposed to happen sooner of later, 10 years is too much xD
But i bet no one can beat my score at OC this CPU :)
Im glad i made this:

I wonder if i could have went further, though its useless now lol
Aight img is here, too slow inet on Phone, so it took a while T_T
Would have uploaded here, but couldnt find out how
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Hmm, idk how to validate again, its old validation, and my PC is dead, i only got the old txt file on my phone,and validation pic(pic of a pic lolz). il upload those, btw , my clock is at 2.1GHz
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