AMD Say Nvidia "completely sabotaged our performance" with HairWorks


News Guru
AMD Say that Nvidia "completely sabotaged our performance" with HairWorks by forcing much more of a performance hit than is required for the effect.


You can read more on AMD's "sabotaged" Witcher 3 performance and how to fix it here.
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I'm sure I saw yesterday that a simple tweak fixes things on AMD GPU's.

Yeah it does, shows that Nvidia may have put the tessellation so high to force AMD to take a larger hit than is needed for the same visual affect.
I may be being dim here but how did NVidia do this? I'm sure AMD are right and that they're impacted by this setting but did NVidia pay for the developers to do this or coerce them in some way? Also how did this get to release without AMD spotting this and having it 'fixed'?
Can we change "affect" to "effect" so as to use the correct word?

As for the news, it's proper shady but it doesn't surprise me. Both AMD and Nvidia play dirty at times, although it does usually seem to be Nvidia that try it on the most.

I don't like the proprietary nature of programs like Nvidia Gameworks where devs will opt to use one or the other as it locks out another brand. PhysX for example adds some amazing effects to the games it's in, but can't be used if you choose the red team for your graphics.
I may be being dim here but how did NVidia do this? I'm sure AMD are right and that they're impacted by this setting but did NVidia pay for the developers to do this or coerce them in some way? Also how did this get to release without AMD spotting this and having it 'fixed'?
Gameworks. The game has Nvidia gameworks built in, which AMD don't have access to so they can optimize it.

To be fair, excluding cpu usage, the rest of the game is pretty well optimized. Its just the Nvidia stuff that is causing issues.
I don't understand why CDPR isnt getting more flack for this (though I'm of the opinion its just another reason for the internet to get outraged about something and itsn't actually that big of a deal, again) for choosing to only impliment Gameworks and not AMD's Gaming Evolved as well or neither?

Shout at Nvidia all you want for having propretary code, but it's CDPR's decision to impliment it which just as problematic.
Have to go on a smal rant here
AMD seems to be going the same route as their fanboys, why the f*** do they even care, both have said over and over again that hairworks and any other gameworks/physx tech is something they don't want and is just a gimmick, what happened suddenly all you amd lovers want these gimmicks?
Secondly hairworks runs better on amd hardware with adjusted tessellation than it does on nvidias own hardware, also keep im mind nvidia has always been ahead of amd in terms of dx 11 tessellation, it is the only reason you all have the option in cc
So what i wanted to say, is all of the people who are not nvida users and are screaming about this are just f***ing morons and hippocrates, you dont want it dont use it, no one is forcing you to use these "gimmicky effects" that you hate so much anyway stop showing your stupidity/immaturity
Gameworks. The game has Nvidia gameworks built in, which AMD don't have access to so they can optimize it.

To be fair, excluding cpu usage, the rest of the game is pretty well optimized. Its just the Nvidia stuff that is causing issues.

Thanks for clarifying.
Have to go on a smal rant here
AMD seems to be going the same route as their fanboys, why the f*** do they even care, both have said over and over again that hairworks and any other gameworks/physx tech is something they don't want and is just a gimmick, what happened suddenly all you amd lovers want these gimmicks?

The issue is that AMD can't optimize drivers for hairworks as Nvidia own hairworks. So people with AMD cards can't get the full hair experience.

I think the other issue is that CDPR made their own hair tech for the consoles but decided to use Hairworks instead for pc. In theory they could have used TressFX (as that works on both cards properly, supposedly) but they went down the Nvidia friendly route. Why? I dunno, either huge chunk of money or the hair tech wasn't going to be as good looking as it could have been.

Getting all worked up and calling people who're complaining about it childish doesn't really do you much favor.
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The issue is that AMD can't optimize drivers for hairworks as Nvidia own hairworks. So people with AMD cards can't get the full hair experience.

I think the other issue is that CDPR made their own hair tech for the consoles but decided to use Hairworks instead for pc. In theory they could have used TressFX (as that works on both cards properly, supposedly) but they went down the Nvidia friendly route. Why? I dunno, either huge chunk of money or the hair tech wasn't going to be as good looking as it could have been.

Getting all worked up and calling people who're complaining about it childish doesn't really do you much favor.

That would be the case only if amd users would want to use hairworks/gameworks/physx, yet every chance the get they call it a gimmicky feature they couldn't care less about so a sane person would conclude that they would never ever want to use these features. After all if they wanted to they should be blaming amd for not making a deal with nvidia, that is the only way such things work out in businesses after all they invested their own money and want to get the investment back, this is the only way it will be, and again why would amd users even care, it's not a integral part of the game you can play the game without it, with much more performance, not to mention amd users can have better performance with it on than nvidia
(I also forgot to add quotes around 'full hair experience', its not my wording but kinda entertaining and seems to wind people up.)

Further confirming the theory that people who use AMD cards are middle-aged balding men!

I'm kidding guys