AMD Ryzen 1600X Cinebench results leak

I recently did a budget build and put together a sweet little rig running a 6500 @ 4.4 OC with a GTX1070. It's doing its work for a budget build but now a 1600x or 1700x seems like an extremely viable set up for me as I could keep everything apart from mobo and cpu and be in the realms of a 6800/6900 which once was unrealistically priced for me. I know single core won't be much different but 6/12 or 8/16 vs 4/4 is a massive change..............
If the 1800X really can compete with the 6900K then Intel don't have an excuse anymore to charge 2-3 times as much, Well, Other than greed ^_^
I'm actually getting pretty excited about the RyZen line-up. I've got a little bit of cash put aside but not quite enough for a full build. If the reviews (and that is pretty big if) reflect what the leaks have then it's going to be very difficult not grab a six/eight core chip on impulse.
If Ryzen is as good as the rumours it could have very far reaching effects on the CPU market.

Intel will find it very hard to sell any quadcore i7 as a high end mainstream product. It could see the demise of a lot of the i3 and i5 product lines as these will be replaced by much cheaper i7s.

And finally with 6 and 8 core CPUs in the mainstream games devs will finally start writing games that support the extra cores.

Intel having to look at their pricing could be the very least of their problems.
If Ryzen is as good as the rumours it could have very far reaching effects on the CPU market.

Intel will find it very hard to sell any quadcore i7 as a high end mainstream product. It could see the demise of a lot of the i3 and i5 product lines as these will be replaced by much cheaper i7s.

And finally with 6 and 8 core CPUs in the mainstream games devs will finally start writing games that support the extra cores.

Intel having to look at their pricing could be the very least of their problems.

I don't think they will maybe bye 2020 they might.
There is already an advantage to using more than 4 cores for gaming with multi player online.:)

I notice the biggest difference in multi tasking. Just at a Windows level. The way 8 and 10 handle more cores is just so much better. I think 7 basically sharted once you had more than four cores. Remember loads of people disabling HT and cores when BF3 came out.

Devs will probably take Ryzen very seriously. Vishera and BD were fine, but the IPC was so poor why would you bother with it? I mean it was obvious that BD and PD worked excellently in Windows 8 and not at all properly in Windows 7. Microsoft released two patches but quickly pulled them. They simply did not work properly in 7. I could get 2000 extra points in Firestrike on Windows 8.

But yeah, devs will stand up and listen when Intel say so. No matter how good Ryzen may be I have a feeling it is Intel who will basically make threading a thing when they hit back. Which they absolutely have to do. I would surmise it won't be very long until we see 6 core desktop CPUs made to fit in every day boards and not workstation boards.

And when they say jump the devs will ask how high.

I can also see some "hobbling" happening with games. Just like we have seen with Nvidia and AMD some games will simply run better on Intel because the devs have brown noses. And obviously that works both ways, I can see AMD courting game devs too.

But, I must say I really don't mind that at all. There has always been rivalry in games (Dirt 2 on AMD was awesome for example, then you have your TressFX, Hairworks, Gamedoesntwork) and so on.

We've been sorely missing that lately. There have been no "killer apps" on either side.

But yeah, even as I hate to admit it Intel denote what we get and what we get support for.
I'm in two minds as to whether discord between the two main competitors—Intel vs AMD, Nvidia vs AMD—is good for us the consumers. I like seeing games that are well optimised (I'm starting revile that word) for one particular brand, but I don't like seeing it then fall incredibly short for the opposition. Games like Wolfenstein from a few years back showed massive issues with AMD hardware. It was a resounding victory for Nvidia and caused irreversible division. AMD could basically do nothing but counter with a similar assault. These tactics are not good for us as it could eventually mean we'd have to pick sides based on what games we played the most, not what was the overall best GPU or CPU for the money.
I wouldn't know cause i don't play many Online Games, I play mostly Offline Games.

I hate playing Online cause 90% of Online Players are di*ks.

I'm not a big online player either. I can't handle the stress sometimes. Plus I have crappy Internet. 0.4Mbps upload and 4Mbps download. I have decent ping, but the upload is what kills me I think as well as the consistency. My favourite online game was GTA V and I constantly disconnected. Rural Internet just can't handle it.