AMD Radeon Software Crimson - Overview and testing


News Guru
Let's have a look at AMD's new Radeon Software Crimson Drivers. What does it add and does it give us more performance?


Read more on AMD's Radeon Software Crimson Drivers.
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looks like they have done a fantastic job, lets hope they can keep it up and turn around the public opinion.
'Radeon Software Crimson'? It's just awkward to say, the lack of grammar and eloquence has immediately cheapened their efforts, as always. Surely anyone in the English speaking world would change that to Radeon Crimson Software before presenting their new idea to anyone remotely resembling management. Will AMD ever manage to finish one thing as well as they started it before they die. It even looks quite good, and tasteful, with some very practical features but.... uhhh AMD, I can't watch.

'Radeon Software Crimson'? It's just awkward to say, the lack of grammar and eloquence has immediately cheapened their efforts, as always. Surely anyone in the English speaking world would change that to Radeon Crimson Software before presenting their new idea to anyone remotely resembling management. Will AMD ever manage to finish one thing as well as they started it before they die. It even looks quite good, and tasteful, with some very practical features but.... uhhh AMD, I can't watch.


To someone never bother to read, of course it sounds awkward or cheap.

Radeon Software is the name of the package and Crimson being the name of the major revision which is getting change as they release more updates and we might see Radeon Software Scarlet Edition or Radeon Software Ruby Edition in the future and that definitely makes more sense than changing the name of the software suite for every release.
Well i have just instaled this and i cant find a dam thing, cant even find where to oc my card in it and it thinks i only have 3 games out of the 90+ i have on the drives lol so i dont find it too simple + the writing is so dam small i have to push my face 6in from the monitor.

So much for simple or easy.

Edit just loaded up fallout to try it and i no longer have a ocd pipboy map it strobes on and off...anyone know where i can get the old driver AMD dosent let you go back on there site.

Thanks AMD lol


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i too have problems with Fallout, but i wasnt sure if it was the Fallout Beta or the drivers....

I've had no issues playing fallout on these drivers, and I have had the driver over the weekend for testing. It is likely the beta update, which is a bit weird.
I dont have the steam beta update instaled

Hmm, weird. I had the same performance as the Fallout catalyst driver.

Did you use DDU to uninstall your old driver?

If you keep seeing a performance dip then revert to your old driver and hopefully AMD will sort your issue out with a future update.
Hmm, weird. I had the same performance as the Fallout catalyst driver.

Did you use DDU to uninstall your old driver?

If you keep seeing a performance dip then revert to your old driver and hopefully AMD will sort your issue out with a future update.

i cant get the old driver AMD has removed the older drivers from the site am currently in a amd twich stream and a some outhers are geting a problem with that game too.

Perfomance is about the same i just have a fooked pipboy map outhers are geting a crashed driver.

I allways remove the old driver manually its a batter way than useing a sweeper.
Well i have just instaled this and i cant find a dam thing, cant even find where to oc my card in it and it thinks i only have 3 games out of the 90+ i have on the drives lol so i dont find it too simple + the writing is so dam small i have to push my face 6in from the monitor.

To get in overdrive, first go into the Gaming tab, then Global settings, and finally Global overdrive, it's all in there matey.
Well i have just instaled this and i cant find a dam thing, cant even find where to oc my card in it and it thinks i only have 3 games out of the 90+ i have on the drives lol so i dont find it too simple + the writing is so dam small i have to push my face 6in from the monitor.

To get in overdrive, first go into the Gaming tab, then Global settings, and finally Global overdrive, it's all in there matey.

Well thats more steps than before lol i feel this has been rushed out some of the setings even take you to a old style ccc screen and CF is not currently fully supported ether.
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So just a quick update, Fallout issues where fixed by removing the beta, GTA V crossfire stupid scaling is sorted im getting 99% on GPU1 and 97% on GPU2

One of the better driver updates i reckon
So just a quick update, Fallout issues where fixed by removing the beta, GTA V crossfire stupid scaling is sorted im getting 99% on GPU1 and 97% on GPU2

One of the better driver updates i reckon

well no i never had the beta for fallout 4 i have just gone back to the last AMD driver and everything is now fine (i never opedt or instaled the steam beta for fallout) a bethesda beta is like a kick in the nuts i dont like it :o