AMD R9 390X WCE, an 8GB GPU with 4096 shaders!


News Guru
AMD R9 390X WCE (Water Cooled Edition), an 8GB GPU with 4096 shaders and a DirectX 12 Tier 3 design and over 4x the H.264 encoding performance. This GPU should be great for 4K gaming and high quality gameplay recording. Let's hope the price is equally impressive.


Read more on AMD R9 390X Water Cooled Edition here.
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wow very interesting stuff, and if there are stock air coolers and they don't throttle under load, imagine what a card with a AIO could do. i for one am very interested to see what AMD bring to the table.
Yeah, it could be from draft slides where the corrections had not been applied yet though still sceptic at this point as it has ticked every feature that has either be found via the internet or shown at GDC 2015.

I also find it interesting it points more to the specific Tier 3 support rather than just saying it has full DX12 support. ( in case anyone is curious, hard to fish up specific info on the tiers)
It certainly looks like it could be a seriously epic graphics card even of some of those rumors are true. :D

Cue the waiting game now, to see how many actually are true.
Ahh I cant wait to see what the AMD 300 series brings us. After seeing what the new BF Hardline fps results were earlier, this could be my next upgrade. Well this and a 1440p Freesync monitor :).
plenty of stupid questions lol.
here is one for you "possibly 2"
if a fly is a fly why isn't a fish a swim or if flying was named after a fly, why isn't swimming called fishing?
According to a Swedish hardware site and according to rumors, the new 390X won't beat the Titan X. Although the 395X2 does in certain situations.

Can't really confirm this and not sure wether to link the link or not, since it's entirely in Swedish.
According to a Swedish hardware site and according to rumors, the new 390X won't beat the Titan X. Although the 395X2 does in certain situations.

Can't really confirm this and not sure wether to link the link or not, since it's entirely in Swedish.

A link never hurts. Google translate is our friend.
Who cares if the 390X beats the TitanX or not, this is not important.

What the 390X needs to be is -

1. Noticeably faster than the GTX 980 and 290X.

2. Cost no more than £500 to £600.

3. Comes with 8gb of memory.

4. Has a decent cooler.

5. Decent drivers/xfire support at launch.
Who cares if the 390X beats the TitanX or not, this is not important.

What the 390X needs to be is -

1. Noticeably faster than the GTX 980 and 290X.

2. Cost no more than £500 to £600.

3. Comes with 8gb of memory.

4. Has a decent cooler.

5. Decent drivers/xfire support at launch.

My apologies, I just thought to share an article that I had come across regarding the new 390X with you all. In case you hadn't come across it yet.

Yeah, I know exactly what you mean. the tweaktown source article is an interesting read though.

Agreed on that point mate :) And cool, glad I could share something atleast - Having those words from the Newsman himself! :)
Agreed on that point mate :) And cool, glad I could share something atleast - Having those words from the Newsman himself! :)

I'd say that the only point of interest in the article was the possibility of yield issues with the HBM memory, as everything else that have written has nothing to back it up.

Hopefully we will hear more on the R9 390X soon, as AMD really need to get this thing out.