I was pretty shocked myself that they said little obviously halo needed to be spoken about but i simply do not get excited over a cpu cause progress is expected and i only upgrade as needed by a gpu advancement far more intresting all I've heard atm is that all the performance leaks are incorrect all of them but in terms of pricing it's mid tier.
See now I'm still unsure what or where it will sit but fsr4 being ml ai learning anf exclusively to rdna4 has me intrested to a point but my thoughts are that due to the partnership with sony that rdna3 then ps5 pro being 3.5 that rdna4 is obviously more powerful but that ps6 will be udna or rdna 4.5 as a final form hard to say.
But idk tbh where it will sit but i honestly don't see the reason to not show it or simply put out a detailed video on explaining which basically means they focused on products for revenue and have more faith in that or importance to them and don't want the news cycle to skip over them or rdna4.
But clearly these gpus aren't coming as fast as people would like i simply do not understand the need to do this when will companies realise yes you have many products but you also have many types of customers and so by doing this.
Well you just helped nvidia by holding back what happened to wanting market share tired of companies saying things like that without acting upon it.
So tbh even if it's between a 7900xt and xtx given the price everyone is expecting of 650 well it's tbh looking like a gen skip.