AMD Might be Starting A New Game Bundle


News Guru
AMD Might be Starting A New Game Bundle, with both GTA V and Dirt Rally.


Read more on AMD's potential new game bundle here.
I wouldn't doubt an amazing bundle with the launch of 300 series cards. GTA V with a brand new card? Yes please!I wonder if they will do the 8 game bundle like they did with the 7990. That would be brilliant. Witcher 3 launches on May 19th, they could do that?
I don't get what all the fuzz with GTA V is, to be honest?...

Although, this would be quite nice indeed. Even though I don't play that many games, this might make me find a new game :)
I wouldn't doubt an amazing bundle with the launch of 300 series cards. GTA V with a brand new card? Yes please!I wonder if they will do the 8 game bundle like they did with the 7990. That would be brilliant. Witcher 3 launches on May 19th, they could do that?

Well nvidia is already tossing out the witcher 3 with their cards and although cd project could do a similar deal with amd, i doubt that would happen.


Hang on, Dirt Rally is a early access game, so now we get unfinished games with a video card, nice.
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Well nvidia is already tossing out the witcher 3 with their cards and although cd project could do a similar deal with amd, i doubt that would happen.


Hang on, Dirt Rally is a early access game, so now we get unfinished games with a video card, nice.
Witcher 3 probably won't. They always were with Nvidia.

Who cares if it early access? Minecraft is the same thing, and thats a huge success. Just because it is early access doesn't make it crap. Ever play an alpa build or beta? It's the same thing. The game for the most part is done. It's just testing on a larger scale to see if the game is working correctly as they introduce new features. It will be released. People with this mindset seriously need to see the bigger picture. How the hell do you think products are made? They test them before a consumer release.. it's exactly the same with early access.
Witcher has gameworks so yeah, no chance of that being in an AMD bundle.

t's exactly the same with early access.

Which is a terrible idea for the most part. Very few big name games seem to actually get out of early access. Dirt Rally seems to be mostly there (still has a bit to go) but hey, whats to stop them updating it?
Witcher 3 probably won't. They always were with Nvidia.

Who cares if it early access? Minecraft is the same thing, and thats a huge success. Just because it is early access doesn't make it crap. Ever play an alpa build or beta? It's the same thing. The game for the most part is done. It's just testing on a larger scale to see if the game is working correctly as they introduce new features. It will be released. People with this mindset seriously need to see the bigger picture. How the hell do you think products are made? They test them before a consumer release.. it's exactly the same with early access.


I need to see the bigger picture? well you know there was such a thing as simple closed alpha/beta testings back in the day, but now they sell the entire thing in the hopes you give them feedback, which thankfully enough people do, but the entire notion of early access is still sad, especially for big developers. Codemasters doesnt need the money from early access to develop a game, they probably needed to know if the market is willing to accept dirt rally as it is now, because they made a big mess of their last few dirt games.

Anyway, i dont think any company should be giving away early access games with a third party paid product., you can keep defending early access all you damn well please, and if you believe its good for the market then thats your opinion which i wont dispute.

Btw, where in my post did i say that game is crap?
seeing as they are giving the games away as part of a promotional deal and assuming that the giveaways in no way impact the retail price of the card, they could offer you superman 64 as a freebee. Would this make business sense? No. Does it make sense to complain about free extras? Not really.

Even though you say you wont dispute the value of early access, i wish you would. Arguments can be enlightening for both sides. IMO early access can be good even for larger companies as it takes some of the risk out of investment in new ideas.

Haven't played GTA V yet, ive kinda been on the fence about it. $80 is just a bit too much for a game for me. So a bundle might be a good way to pick it up, might be getting a new comp soon so we'll see if any other games are included or not
How about drop the price £50-£60 and forget about adding games to the bundles?? Would probably tempt me more than any game you could give me.

Already have GTA V. PCars and Asetto corsa. dont really need an extra GTA V or more racing games.

the only game(s) I am remotley interested in at the moment is the up coming batman game, and if it comes out fallout 4.
But even if they added those to the bundle it wouldn't help.
I dont pre order or buy on day 1 (unless there is a sale at one of the steam key places)
So I would prefer to save money rather than get a game or 2.
I can buy games all by my self thank you. my steam account can vouch for that. 50 games bought last year according to it (although a few were ones i just added the retail keys from CD copys i had so i didnt have to use the cd any more)
you can keep the rebait, free games. stupid t shirt, bobble head figurine, etc..
Just make the damn cards cheaper and you will sell more.
How about drop the price £50-£60 and forget about adding games to the bundles?? Would probably tempt me more than any game you could give me.

Already have GTA V. PCars and Asetto corsa. dont really need an extra GTA V or more racing games.

the only game(s) I am remotley interested in at the moment is the up coming batman game, and if it comes out fallout 4.
But even if they added those to the bundle it wouldn't help.
I dont pre order or buy on day 1 (unless there is a sale at one of the steam key places)
So I would prefer to save money rather than get a game or 2.
I can buy games all by my self thank you. my steam account can vouch for that. 50 games bought last year according to it (although a few were ones i just added the retail keys from CD copys i had so i didnt have to use the cd any more)
you can keep the rebait, free games. stupid t shirt, bobble head figurine, etc..
Just make the damn cards cheaper and you will sell more.

Bundles hardly up the price at all. You are getting more for your money with the bundle, sell the game if you need too and you would get more that way than if they took it out all together.
How about drop the price £50-£60 and forget about adding games to the bundles?? Would probably tempt me more than any game you could give me.

Already have GTA V. PCars and Asetto corsa. dont really need an extra GTA V or more racing games.

the only game(s) I am remotley interested in at the moment is the up coming batman game, and if it comes out fallout 4.
But even if they added those to the bundle it wouldn't help.
I dont pre order or buy on day 1 (unless there is a sale at one of the steam key places)
So I would prefer to save money rather than get a game or 2.
I can buy games all by my self thank you. my steam account can vouch for that. 50 games bought last year according to it (although a few were ones i just added the retail keys from CD copys i had so i didnt have to use the cd any more)
you can keep the rebait, free games. stupid t shirt, bobble head figurine, etc..
Just make the damn cards cheaper and you will sell more.

Yeah cause your AMDs only customer arent you. Not everyone will look for sales etc for game keys and frankly when the general consumer looks and see that there is a game included, the first thing that comes to mind is "Oh free game" they arent going to think about whether or not its worth it.

AMD would pay nowhere near £50-£60 for those keys. Not only that, however their cards are already great value for money...

Price isnt always a selling point for a product.
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Everyone has GTA V already (or previously stated they weren't getting it) so I doubt they'll add it to a bundle. Its pretty much one of the biggest sellers this year.

You've also got to remember that it has both Nvidia and AMD only features within it, which makes it much less likely to be added into a bundle (Star Citizen is an exception to that however..)
Everyone has GTA V already (or previously stated they weren't getting it) so I doubt they'll add it to a bundle. Its pretty much one of the biggest sellers this year.

This I don't understand, I don't understand what makes GTA so amazingly awesome to be honest here?... You just simply run around and beat people or something... doesn't seem to be a goal with the game to me as such.
This I don't understand, I don't understand what makes GTA so amazingly awesome to be honest here?... You just simply run around and beat people or something... doesn't seem to be a goal with the game to me as such.
Have you ever played it?
Have you ever played it?

Not specifically GTA V though, I used to play San Andreas a bit...

DO NOT TELL CHRAZEY ABOUT GTA! In no universe will this end nicely with me playing GTA happily ever after on nVidia and AMD hardware.


Well rest assure JR, you don't have to worry about it... I wouldn't even play in the same server as you :)
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Not specifically GTA V though, I used to play San Andreas a bit...

I got it because multiplayer is fun to dick around in with others. The single player is a bit weak IMO so I can't say I play that for the story. Traditionally you get GTA to mess around in and do your own things/be immersed in the world. I kinda played GTA IV for the story as well however, as it had some good writing in it (moreso than 5 anyway).