All PC Gamers Are Pirates Says Ubisoft Executive


Resident Newb
According to a guy on Reddit who claims to be an ex employee of Ubisoft said that one of the top guys at Ubisoft *Yves Guillemot Co-founder And Chief Executive* said he doesn't care about PC because all PC gamers are pirates.

Not sure if this is real or not but this isn't the first ex-employee to expose what game companies say and do.




If this is true then I have lost the little respect I had left for Ubisoft.
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"We" only Pirate games we want to play but either dont want to pay the full price, or dont want to help a company like ubisoft with our money. Another thing is many PC gamers dont even have the money to buy games, but its a passion of those too, so they use the ways they can get.
What a dick! Pretty sure if you were to get in touch with a local "Pirate" (we all know of someone in our own areas) who "Burns" copies or down the local market, you'll be hard pressed to get PC games, but you can bet your little booty he'll get you any PS, XB or Wii game you want...
What do developers say about games we buy and have to spen +20Gb after buying it. For people that don't have uncap or softcap that is like paying twice
"We" only Pirate games we want to play but either dont want to pay the full price, or dont want to help a company like ubisoft with our money. Another thing is many PC gamers dont even have the money to buy games, but its a passion of those too, so they use the ways they can get.

There is no nobility in pirating games, no matter the circumstances. You can't just steal a car because you can't afford it either. No matter how evil the company is, either the game is worth your money or it's not worth your time.
There is no nobility in pirating games, no matter the circumstances. You can't just steal a car because you can't afford it either. No matter how evil the company is, either the game is worth your money or it's not worth your time.

Indeed, If a person dislikes the company so much then one should completely avoid there games and not even pirate it because then you're still exposing yourself to their content.
There is no nobility in pirating games, no matter the circumstances. You can't just steal a car because you can't afford it either. No matter how evil the company is, either the game is worth your money or it's not worth your time.

If devs actually took time to produce their games this wouldn't even be an issue. Look at Lords Of The Fallen... fair enough the game wasn't that well received but the anti-piracy has stopped all crackers dead in their tracks. It wasn't even anything ingenious, just a smartly encrypted .exe that any AAA dev could implement but instead they whine away about people being pirates.
There is no nobility in pirating games, no matter the circumstances. You can't just steal a car because you can't afford it either. No matter how evil the company is, either the game is worth your money or it's not worth your time.

Exactly. People think that because piracy is easy with little to no consequences that it's actually a viable option. It's not.

May I also point out that you cannot punish an entire company's staff because of the marketing and business decisions made that don't even cross paths with the average coder/artist/designer.
I suppose most people know my stance of piracy; I strongly hate it. Those "You would't steal a (insert object)" advertisments are true.
Because I enjoyed FC3 so much I got FC4 a few hours ago and it finished downloading and wow, Stutter fest even at the lowest settings, V-sync on/off, Such a mess.

And here's my Uplay windows incase anyone says "Pirate" ^_^

Exactly. People think that because piracy is easy with little to no consequences that it's actually a viable option. It's not.

May I also point out that you cannot punish an entire company's staff because of the marketing and business decisions made that don't even cross paths with the average coder/artist/designer.

I think you raise a very key point here. Coders/artists and designers are the creatives and whether it's right or not will often have little to do with business decisions outside of creative direction. These people work their arses off to create the games we love/hate/admire/are passionate about and should not take all the blame for broken games when they are put under unrealistic pressure.

I always feel this is where companies like Blizzard or indie devs seem to do a lil better. They seem less scared to push back release dates and more often than not it shows. Sure Blizzard have the luxury of a hardcore fan base that'll buy anything with their name on it but I do wish games publishers would allow their developers more realistic timings.

no one I know ASKED for a COD, AC, Battlefield etc. EVERY year!!! It just seems to have become the norm and I'm sure most of this is down to the money publishers know they can make with AAA ips and not necessarily that the demand is so F***KING high that we may all go feral and start burning down publisher HQs if we don't get our COD fix one year
Is piracy even that easy anymore with steam, origin and uplay being required

Considering we pay a fraction of what Console gamers pay for their games and with the amazing wonder that is Steam sales I have never felt the need to pirate a game.

I reckon I can get most AAA titles for around 28 quid a week after release if i go to the right places
I wonder if he could be including those of us that wait six months after launch to pick it up in the 4.99 bargain bin. I was surprised a few weeks ago when I pickup up Arkham Origins for that price. I can't wait till Alien Isolation gets there shortly after Xmas.
I bet E.A are rubbing their hands in glee with all the free publicity their next mediocre port will give them.

Not suprised Ubisoft are like this. Or rather, certain members of Ubisoft.
I'm fully against it too, but I know enough who do it just because of those reasons, they don't have the money for it. They do know too that it is complete BS to do something like that but out of their perspective they can't change it, as much as I would help 'em. They sound and behave kinda like drug addicts...
What do you mean Pirate? I thought they just gradually inflated GPU prices so nobody would notice and then include free games. I thought it was like a subscription you just buy a GPU every year and get all the games you need. :mellow: No? Am I doing master race wrong? :huh:

I would love to be Rockstar right now, dey haz all of the cards, just all of them. I was thinking ahh the Crew looks cool but then was like meh, just a poopy GTA with loads of features missing and very prescribed scenery. I hope it works for them and 2k. All of the pirates are sad but there must still be some serious money in it if you can build something good enough.

I'm fully against it too, but I know enough who do it just because of those reasons, they don't have the money for it. They do know too that it is complete BS to do something like that but out of their perspective they can't change it, as much as I would help 'em. They sound and behave kinda like drug addicts...

I don't feel sorry for drug addicts or poor people either. Their perspective is BS, i'm not exactly loaded and i can still refrain from pirating. You can't have it all, i make sacrifices as well to buy the games i want. Why would that not apply to them, because of some pseudo addiction?

What do you mean Pirate? I thought they just gradually inflated GPU prices so nobody would notice and then include free games. I thought it was like a subscription you just buy a GPU every year and get all the games you need. :mellow: No? Am I doing master race wrong? :huh:

That's exactly why i hate those stupid game bundles. You get 10 games for free if you buy this GPU! No not really, the price is included in the GPU, but praise us as your bros anyways.