adding OC3D to tapatalk


New member
I don't know if this is in the works or already been mentioned but I use the tapatalk app for my old forums which makes browsing and chatting a sinch on your phone and makes it easier to keep up to date with ongoing threads etc.

Adding OC3D to tapatalk could open the forum up to a wider audience and more interaction from members who are not sitting at their desk.
I would agree with this although using the forum on my phone (iPhone 5) isn't actually bad and isn't a task much like many other websites are.

If tis happened then great! But I doubt it will because the Guv has enough to do as it is... Sorry man but it isn't likely.
This has been discussed before, TTL has already mentioned a lot of times optimizing the forums for mobile is simply not possible because he wouldn't be able to display his sponsor's advertisements (which is where he gets his income from).

Although I would love it myself too, it's simply not possible to achieve.
Sorry lads, won't be going into tapatalk, adverts don't work in the same way and can't be tracked using the systems we have in place that are paid for by the sponsors etc etc etc.

Basically it's incompatible with the forums, so it won't be a thing. Sorry