A warning to all the new school leavers.

Try doing that with my steam library. Checkmate.



On a separate note a few friends of mine from school years ago became game testers and make a damn good living out of it, A few even managed to get higher positions inside their respective companies i.e Sony and MS
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Goodness, If that was my son I'd probably do the same thing.

Everybody need to earn their keep, work is important, you can't live off your parents forever.
I love how he starts picking up the fragments of the discs :P

Funny, but could probably have been handled more tactfully by both of them
It's on facebook, that is already enough reason to know it's fake.
His reaction is way over the top and the whole situation runs a bit too smoothly.

I can see straight away that its fake by the camera work and his acting
haha since i was 13 i was buying my own stuff with my own earnt cash... if someone did that to me id make them pay for the lot.

good lesson for those little lazy bums who just wanna laze about tho... but id of just sold it and then said one day oh by the way your games have paid for this weeks shopping cos you could not of thanks bud
Fake or not the sad fact is there are kids/teens out there that believe that playing games will eventually grant them a job... This is just a depiction of Parenting done right.
Fake or not the sad fact is there are kids/teens out there that believe that playing games will eventually grant them a job... This is just a depiction of Parenting done right.

Not really. The father probably paid for the games, so he just trashed a good 500$ worth of stuff just to make his son get a job. And it's not like his son is going to change his behavior after that, now he will definitely not get a job just for the sake of having the last word.
Does anyone happen to know how old the kid was? I mean I myself moved out of my parents to live on my own and study when I was just under 16, but I did move back in when I started uni and stayed jobless till when I was about 22. Then moved out to get my own place as the houses were quite a lot cheaper then.

These if hes a grown man though, he should be joining the army instead of just loafing around playing pointless video games and sucking his parents dry. I empathize with the parents of that kid though, if any of my sons or my daughter did that I would feel like a failure as a parent.
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