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In light of the new cards that can do 4k gaming reasonably on a single card, perhaps it might be time to revisit the most burning question - Should I upgrade my current HD monitor to 4k or to 1440p?
If you have upgraded to either of these, do leave your observations below as to what went well, regrets if any, how much of a difference you noticed with the upgrade, etc. It might be helpful to the many who are looking to move up in resolutions but arent sure where to end up.
here's mine..
current set up - GTX 980 sli
Monitor - I use a 1440p Acer predator Xb270hu and the 4k benQ 3201Pt currently. tried a few others at friends places or in the past.
4k -
My gaming preference is mostly non shooters (rpg, rts, etc) - (apart from Unreal Tournament
) and I have to admit one thing. 4k IPS is just awesome to look at. Its where you notice the resolution bump the most. However, I have to stress that after trying out all kind of screen sizes, there is something called a "good size" for 4k. In my observation(personal opinion - your mileage might vary), that sweetspot size for 4k is 32 inches. the scaling is managable, ppi is very sharp and that added size gives you an added immersion without feeling like you have a TV infront of you.
A 32 inches 4k 120hz - 144hz Freesync/gsync IPS panel would be the perfect panel if cost/gpu was no object. However, such a panel doesnt exist and currently, you'll have to live with 60hz panels. There lies my issue. I absolutely adore higher refresh rates and the fluidity that comes with it.
1440p -
I've heard that unless you play fast paced shooters, you dont need higher refresh rates. I can confirm that this statement is not entirely true. While it may be true that for RPGs you dont need the higher refresh rate since you dont have a kill count to show off, I dont always play games to boost my numbers. Its also for my entertainment and having that fluidity, my RPG world looking seamless and fluid, mouse pointer moving with extra smoothness - all these improve my experience from the game. These new breed of 1440p panels that can do > 60 hz is quite amazing in this regard. Plus, chances are that if you have one of these new GPUs, you'll be able to push past 60hz on a consistent basis.
To summarize (my opinion)
If you have upgraded to either of these, do leave your observations below as to what went well, regrets if any, how much of a difference you noticed with the upgrade, etc. It might be helpful to the many who are looking to move up in resolutions but arent sure where to end up.
here's mine..
current set up - GTX 980 sli
Monitor - I use a 1440p Acer predator Xb270hu and the 4k benQ 3201Pt currently. tried a few others at friends places or in the past.
4k -
My gaming preference is mostly non shooters (rpg, rts, etc) - (apart from Unreal Tournament

A 32 inches 4k 120hz - 144hz Freesync/gsync IPS panel would be the perfect panel if cost/gpu was no object. However, such a panel doesnt exist and currently, you'll have to live with 60hz panels. There lies my issue. I absolutely adore higher refresh rates and the fluidity that comes with it.
1440p -
I've heard that unless you play fast paced shooters, you dont need higher refresh rates. I can confirm that this statement is not entirely true. While it may be true that for RPGs you dont need the higher refresh rate since you dont have a kill count to show off, I dont always play games to boost my numbers. Its also for my entertainment and having that fluidity, my RPG world looking seamless and fluid, mouse pointer moving with extra smoothness - all these improve my experience from the game. These new breed of 1440p panels that can do > 60 hz is quite amazing in this regard. Plus, chances are that if you have one of these new GPUs, you'll be able to push past 60hz on a consistent basis.
To summarize (my opinion)
- I wouldnt buy a 1440p 60 hz monitor. If you're going to 1440p, target the ones that have higher refresh rates.
- If you like that extra resolution, but are ok with 60hz, then dont stop at 1440p, move up to 4k.
- For 1440p, go no higher that 27 inches. The PPI isnt that optimum at any higher
- For 4k, It is a good idea to check out bigger screen sizes like 32 inches.
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