YouTube Finally Supports 60FPS


News Guru
Now Youtube videos are appearing at 60FPS and my gosh they look great.


Read more on YouTube at 60FPS here.
About time though bit disappointed that they won't support it outside of chrome. Got it on the computer and stuff does look awesome at 60fps over 30fps but can't justify having the browser just for youtube really when IE is there for compatability issues.
The Chrome limitation is because HTML5 works better on Chrome than any other browser... Be patient I'm sure FF and IE will get it too
It'l be worth the wait to get away from flash. As is 480p takes ages to load anyways so wouldn't be taking advantage of 60fps just now.
From what I heard the newest IE supports 60fps html5. I haven't tested it out tho and I can't tell if the source is reliable in that regard...

I haven't got the opportunity to test this yet, but I usually watch videos at 2x speed... I wonder if this also works with 60fps
This may be a dumb question, but, does anyone know if they are going to increase the bit rate?

If I'm not mistaken, there will be less bits per frame... so isn't there quality loss with this 60 fps introduction?
Am kind of a noob when it comes to these kind of things but even I can see the difference. Before when playing videos on youtube mostly videos of games ;) you could clearly feel it was recorded well it is still but know it feels am actually watching a game demo if that makes any sense.