Guessing I'm the only here who plays this game..
been playing 9.9 and I can tell the graphics are better in certain areas and performance is better in a lot of cases too. It's a big update and I'm sure anyone who plays it would appreciate the progress they are making. And on top of that.. no bugs! Ubisoft should learn something lol
The game keeps improving - the SEA server unfortunately does not. It's World of Camp down here. Have you tried World of Warships yet? No multi screen support yet but the gameplay reminds me of early WoT. Would be nice if they can eventually integrate the three games into one. Sucks we can't spend gold/credits/exp gained in one on the other.
I don't play as much WoT lately so a couple of new game modes will be nice. More maps would be nicer.
Have to see how it looks when I get home from work
The game keeps improving - the SEA server unfortunately does not. It's World of Camp down here. Have you tried World of Warships yet? No multi screen support yet but the gameplay reminds me of early WoT. Would be nice if they can eventually integrate the three games into one. Sucks we can't spend gold/credits/exp gained in one on the other.
I don't play as much WoT lately so a couple of new game modes will be nice. More maps would be nicer.
Have to see how it looks when I get home from work
I have played WoW yes. Very fun game. I got into the Closed Beta when it started, got to tier 7 before it ended even though I didn't play much. You can get gold for all 3 games though in the gift shop. Same with premium time, counts towards all 3. However no one plays world of planes so it's useless for that. That project is going under serious changes as it just sucked before.
Guessing I'm the only here who plays this game..
been playing 9.9 and I can tell the graphics are better in certain areas and performance is better in a lot of cases too. It's a big update and I'm sure anyone who plays it would appreciate the progress they are making. And on top of that.. no bugs! Ubisoft should learn something lol
nice to see updates, I played a lot of World of Warships and got quite a way in before the reset, haven't played much since tbh. I should really as my premium time is just ticking down. Might just leave it until release though.
nice to see updates, I played a lot of World of Warships and got quite a way in before the reset, haven't played much since tbh. I should really as my premium time is just ticking down. Might just leave it until release though.
Should get back into it! They won't do anymore resets. Going from open beta to release you stay exactly where you are.. if you get to tier 10 in open beta you still get everything once it releases as well
Yes it does! A LOT! Premium shells that have 100% penetration, premium consumables that makes the tank crews Supermen, make the tank move 50% faster...
Yes it does! A LOT! Premium shells that have 100% penetration, premium consumables that makes the tank crews Supermen, make the tank move 50% faster...
Have you even played the game? None of that is even remotely true.
Premium shells do not have 100% penetration dude. Yes it is higher however you can buy them and use them with the in game currency. You won't make money using them but you can use it when needed. Premium consumables? Never heard that argument before They only speed up repair speed, prevent fires, prevent injuries, or improve crew performance by 10%. Other premium ones only boost engine power by no more than 10%. All of these cost a lot of money and can be paid for with the in game currency. You need to rebuy them after every battle. You won't make money whatsoever doing this, you will lose a lot. Especially when playing higher tier games where it's already hard enough to make a profit. You can't make tanks move 50% faster.
Only way you get supercrews is by using them.. and to get every single perk would mean you played with that crew in the same tank long enough to get about 20,000,000 experience (iirc) which for a good player is probably 10-15k battles with that same crew and tank. Thats far from cheating lol
Once you're over tier 8 it's very hard to make money. I have a couple of premium tanks I run to pay for the credit hungry monsters that are tier 9 & 10.
Ok I'm not they best player but really to make credits you need premium, luck, skill or a combination.
The best fun was around tier 4-7 I think. Enough HP and low enough pen/damage to both make and take a few hits and really enjoy the gameplay without being scared of the repair bill.
I just got tired with the same old maps and the same old strategies which seem more endemic on the SEA server. Hide and snipe seems to be the order of play regardless of whether you're a heavy, medium or TD. Scouts either kamikaze in the first thirty seconds before your Waffle is loaded or hide out of radio and view range behind the TD's.
I do like the WoW game modes so hopefully WoT is the same with Domination. I haven't played it yet I was away for the weekend