Witcher 3 delay is to fix bugs and improve performance


News Guru
It has been revealed that The Witcher 3 delay is to fix only bugs and improve performance as the in-game content is finished.


Read more on The Witcher 3's delay here.
hopping for moding tools from day 1, they delayed 2-3 years in witcher 2 with the redkit.

So someone tell them, no moding no money.

The only thing I dont like is their passion to restrict the game with a book. It is based on a book, so they cannot add RP features such as housing, strongholds, hirelings, etc.

So the witcher cannot have a camp or a house, because they hate him, nobody wants to follow him because he is hateful.. Its a turn off.
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It doesn't really matter why they delayed the release. If the end result is a complete and working game, the delay will be worth it.