What are you using for 4k?


Well-known member
Any one else on 4k yet? I took the plunge recently with an Acer 4k2k. It's quite lovely, makes 1080p look like dial up internet compared to broadband.

I'm currently using two Titan Blacks with a third coming late next week.
I actually dont like 4k - Im forced to use it for reviews but personally think that 1440 makes so much more sense in every way
I dropped to 1440 but it just wasn't the same :(

Dying Light at 4k looks epic. The part where you do the training took my breath away.

I do agree it's not very logical due to lack of GPU grunt right now but hopefully soon there will be a single card that can knock out everything properly at 4k.

I did used to run multi monitor but hardly any of the games I played really played well with it. Fallout looked awful and needed serious hacking around.
Yeah at first they're a total squint fest but I managed to sort out the desktop and Chrome by expanding them :)
Yeah at first they're a total squint fest but I managed to sort out the desktop and Chrome by expanding them :)

That's what it was like going from a 22" 1680x1050 monitor to the 27" 2560x1440 I'm using now. It took some time to get used to, but worth it in the end. I guess that can really be said for every screen upgrade I've done over the years. I still remember jumping from 640x480 to 800x600.