Upgrade or not


New member
hello guys im wondering if its worth upgrading from my 2 old builds atm or just w8 for next gen cpus and gpus

Current builds im using is

Gaming PC
I7 3820 OC @4,2Ghz with Corsair H80
Asus p9x79 Mobo
32 gigs of ram 1600mhz
2x gtx 780
2x samsung 840evo ssds in raid 0
and a 2tb Seagate SShd yeah i know seagate but it was cheap haha

Storage and Server PC
this PC is Mainly for Teamspeak server and Running Minecraft server for my Son and running UMS for Media stream to the TVs and PS3 in the house

AMD FX8350 stock clock speeds But with a antec 1220 Cooler
Gigabyte 990FXA ud3 rev 1.0
24 Gigs of ram think its like Corsair Vengence or summtin like that
3tb standard Hdds
and a noname grafx card
If you feel it's time for an upgrade then by all means upgrade but there is no use waiting for the next gen as you will always be waiting for the next gen, although that being said the next gen are soon so it might be worth waiting for them it really just depends on what you need the systems to do and if you want it now or can wait
Unlikely, however are you having any issues at all with them? As they look perfectly competent. Upgrading will give some performance gains along with better power efficiency at the cost of time and money.

If your going to wait then wait till 2017 tech. None of those components are obsolete yet. Pascal and Polaris will be nice and you will get some nice performance gains, however Intel isnt going to release anything significant this year Unless you consider Broadwell-E significant. At least thats what has been going around.
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Since you have X79 for your intel build i would stick with going to X99 not Z170, from what i have seen from other people who have posted on this forum there saying you have an upgrade path with socket 2011 socket where you don't have with socket 1151.

With your AMD build i would wait cause AM4 is going to be coming out soon my guess would be with the AMD stuff would be around the time of computex this year.
Thnx alot guys been reading abit about the x99 chip and think ill stick with my current x79 mobo for a while, maybe and just maybe try to get a second hand 6 core cpu instead of my 4 core but it totally depends on the price though seems like the 3930k and the 6 core cpus above it still is pretty darn expensive :mad: