This is 1 of the rare times I'm all for a remake as the original playing it today it is a stutter fest and buggy, The amount of things you have to do to get it mildly playable is just silly.
You have to -
-Edit an ini file to increase the games refresh rate from the stock of 60 if playing on a high refresh rate panel.
-Patch the main exe with LAA to remove the 2GB memory limit.
-Use D3DOverrider to force triple buffering as forcing it through your GPU driver control panel doesn't work.
-Turn off Physx.
-Use lower quality AA.
-Change CPU application priority and affinity.
-If you are on a 12th or 13th gen Intel CPU you have to disable the "E" cores.
All of this minus the last issue started to be a problem only a year or so after Ubi launched the game but Ubi aren't known for going back and fixing their titles.