Ubisoft's reportedly remaking Assassin's Creed Black Flag

This is 1 of the rare times I'm all for a remake as the original playing it today it is a stutter fest and buggy, The amount of things you have to do to get it mildly playable is just silly.

You have to -

-Edit an ini file to increase the games refresh rate from the stock of 60 if playing on a high refresh rate panel.

-Patch the main exe with LAA to remove the 2GB memory limit.

-Use D3DOverrider to force triple buffering as forcing it through your GPU driver control panel doesn't work.

-Turn off Physx.

-Use lower quality AA.

-Change CPU application priority and affinity.

-If you are on a 12th or 13th gen Intel CPU you have to disable the "E" cores.

All of this minus the last issue started to be a problem only a year or so after Ubi launched the game but Ubi aren't known for going back and fixing their titles.
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I love the game, but it was never finished. It's full of bugs that should have been caught during QA.

Anyway, this is Ubisoft. I don't expect much from their idea of a remake.
I love the game, but it was never finished. It's full of bugs that should have been caught during QA.

Anyway, this is Ubisoft. I don't expect much from their idea of a remake.

Speaking of bugs, Ubisoft updated Black Flag last night, No clue what they did, Was a tiny update but it broke the game slightly and now it only plays in windowed.... Ubisoft need to start cleaning house as they either don't fix bugs or introduce more bugs.
This is 1 of the rare times I'm all for a remake as the original playing it today it is a stutter fest and buggy, The amount of things you have to do to get it mildly playable is just silly.

You have to -

-Edit an ini file to increase the games refresh rate from the stock of 60 if playing on a high refresh rate panel.

-Patch the main exe with LAA to remove the 2GB memory limit.

-Use D3DOverrider to force triple buffering as forcing it through your GPU driver control panel doesn't work.

-Turn off Physx.

-Use lower quality AA.

-Change CPU application priority and affinity.

-If you are on a 12th or 13th gen Intel CPU you have to disable the "E" cores.

All of this minus the last issue started to be a problem only a year or so after Ubi launched the game but Ubi aren't known for going back and fixing their titles.
Dayumn and I already had problems getting AC2 to run properly.
This was the LAST GOOD AC game they made until they ruined the series by changing the game type.

I look forward to seeing what they do to make this better as it was quite beautiful when it released.