The Unreal Engine 4 Shadow Moses Project has been canceled


News Guru
The Unreal Engine 4 Shadow Moses Project has been canceled due to reasons that are beyond their control.


Read more on Shadow Moses' Cancellation.
Not surprised one bit, when I first saw the demo all I kept thinking was Konami is going to sue some for this.

It was a very brave move to use MGS to replicate in another engine for a demo but it was only ever going to end in a cease and desist. Konami surely must recognise talent in the programmer though and I hope he does well in the future.
Snake? Are you there? ...... Ssssnnnnnaaaakkkkkkeeeeee!

Snake answer me!......snake.......SNAAAAAKE!!!!!!!!

but really this was never going to happen. Look what they did to Kojima, they sacked him and cut his name from a virtually finished game.