The Evil Within locked at 30fps on PC


News Guru
The evil within will run at 30 fps on all formats, even on pc!


Read more on The Evil Within's 30FPS framerate Lock here.
and so it begins..

i dont have an issue with coding and developing games with the lowest common denominator in mind.
but when you lock it down so every one has to suffer because consoles cant keep i find it impossible to put in to words how dissapointing it is.

its like slowing down a rollercoaster because an old granny got on it, instead of sending the granny off to the less exiting rides.
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For PC players, we’ll provide debug commands on how you can alter the framerate and aspect ratio, but these commands and changes are not recommended or supported and we suggest everyone play the game as it was designed and intended for the best experience
At-least they have some morals.
At-least they have some morals.

they should just have a little option in "video settings" that says something like "console mode / pc mode"
right under "resolution" and just above "v synk"
although i guess 2.35:1 ratio
means we wont get much say in the resolution either unless we want to play at ~900p (although i think its really more of a native 817p?)
so i assume we wont have v-synk as an option OR much in the way of resolution. unless they bring back 640x480

has it really come to the point where console ports will be given to pc in the same sorry state that the consoles have to play them in?
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Oh dear it's starting to look like implementing freesync as a VESA standard will be a bit pointless. Who needs 144hz when you can have.. 30 :eek:

pfft you would need V ram. i doubt the actuall gpu would get used that much. cpu bound 30fps gaming is on the way. every one with an apu powered laptop rejoice.
I used to respect bethesda.. but this is just a joke.

also the screen shot looks a lot like silent hill and that never needed that much hardware. so what the hell are they doing.
are they Even trying to code and optimise any more or are they just saying you know what f-it. this generation of gamers are idiots. lets just tell them whats good and what it should be like. and they will go for it. i mean they bought the consoles didnt they.
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Three non SLI'd 760 Mars sound about right for 5 games that need a 670 each. This theoretical high FPS gaming is getting more expensive by the minute.

Three non SLI'd 760 Mars sound about right for 5 games that need a 670 each.

ITX is done for :(

I better contact supermicro and ask for a motherboard for free as a dual xeon hexfire 290x build isn't going to be cheap :(
they just put those gpu specs in to sound good.
probably run 30fps on a 8400 gt provided it had 4gb of gddr. and still not get to 100% gpu useage.
but you would need those i7's

(yeah thats right kiddies consoles have 8 cores so we programed for 8 crappy cores. consoles have 4gb v ram so we programed for that. consoles are at best 900p so we mentioned the ratio we will use because i know you dont want to hear us saying 900p native. and we will just direct port it over.. next week we will tell you you cant play it with a keyboard and mouse, but we want to try and ease you in to that. This is how we want you to play it for the best expirience for our wallets.. i mean umm your gaming expirience CINEMATIC! yeah.)


ok im off to hit a xenomorph in the back with a stun batton and hope for a quick and painless death. if only i could do it irl.
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ITX is done for :(

Nooo they've ruined all of my plans in one afternoon. Actually wait, I think I can survive, there are more games out there.


Hang on, 8 passively cooled 690's would probably handle it, thank god nVidia were thinking ahead with Grid. That's a good point, I bet cloud gaming will struggle with high fps given current internet infrastructure, maybe people will have to start getting used to 30fps.

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So thats another game not getting purchased.

I wonder how many games are not gonna get purchased over the next 5+ years thank's to devs screwing over pc gamers thanks, to the consoles having such crap hardware in them that they cannot do 1080p 60fps as standard.
You want to hope they have bad PC sales or the rest of the developers will jump on the band wagon.

I wonder if those console commands will do like they did in NFS rivals and the character tied to the frame rate 2x fps 2x character speed
Hopefully it will be as simple as adding a command line "TEW.exe - Run at 60fps bitch"
And it will run at 60fps.
I do both Console (PS4: with a force ls at least) and PC gaming (Asus G750JZ) . I play most of my multiplayer games on the console simply because my friends are cheap and don't want to spend the cash for a decent rig. Single player games are the ones I normally get for my computer because I can enjoy them normally via superior graphics and auidio (although the PS4 games audio quality has been loads better than the PS3 it seems). Purchased an NZXT H440 three months ago in preparation for the 900 series nVidia cards (planning on doing an sli setup via 970 Stix's) but now there is no purpose in having a rig like that for a game like this which is pretty frustrating because I kinda had some high hopes for the Evil within...
When Dark Souls came out on PC, it was capped at 720p and 30 FPS.

Some random guy (Durante) fixed it himself and distributed the fix within an hour of release.

I can imagine this game getting fixed by someone else too. Still frustrated with the developers, but we'll see how it pans out.