TechN launches their premium DDC Pump Housing

Been waiting to see this released for a long time. Ever since I caught it in the background of their 2080ti GPU block launch.
"uncompromising design" eh?

That ugly wedge of acrylic sticking out the side looks like a compromise to me. Nobody else needs to extend the body like that to support the outlet port.
"uncompromising design" eh?

That ugly wedge of acrylic sticking out the side looks like a compromise to me. Nobody else needs to extend the body like that to support the outlet port.

Havent you seen a DDC before? All going back to the early Laings are like this. Its simply how its designed.

I have used the MCP35x for years and the extended outlet has not been an issue in the slightest, nor unsightly.

If you want unsightly, just look at the EK Revo houses. They managed to make a D5 look ugly.