Talk me through it please


New member
Can somebody/all of you talk me through overclocking my e6300 safely? Everything is at auto atm, and i don't wanna break it :p I really need step by step instructions with starting voltages etc. and where to start blah blah. Basically I'm a overclocking n00b scared of blowing a lot of expensive stuff (for me) up.
I don't really get them, do i first set my fsb to 400mhz (as thats wot my ram is) then do a memtest?

also wot voltage shall i start on?
You start with stock voltage, and you raise the FSB up in small bits (3-4 mhz at a time), find a point where its unstable, raise the voltage a hair, and continue. Keep your ram within spec's (under rated speed) if its your first time, and after every 30-40fsb do a Superpi 8m.
It's not a grand idea to start overclocking by going from a 267FSB (1066NB strap default) straight to 400...:nono:

Do it like NoL said, and continue reading the overclocking guides in this forum (and other forums... can always find something extra in each guide:rolleyes: ). If you ask a question try to make it as component specific as possible, i.e. "what is a RAM divider and how does it work?", and let us know what components and the specs you're running. We'll respond accordingly:wavey:

Remember not to overkill anything, work small, and you should do fine.:cool:

And also, its pretty impossible to kill sometime if you leave the voltages in a reasonable zone.
ok stock voltage is 1.288, ill up the fsb 5 mhz each time, restart, if it boots, restart and up it again, keep doing it until it doesnt boot then add the next step of voltage up until it is stable? I don't think i need to alter multiplier do i?
ok, then when it fails go up 1 in voltage (1 setting) until it boots then carry on that process. What level of voltage do i want to avoid if i want this cpu to last more than 3 years lol?