Super Micro C7Z170-OCE - A Green Z170 motherboard!


News Guru
Meet the Super Micro C7Z170-OCE a uniquely Green Z170 motherboard! Who wants to build a green PC now?


Read more on Supermicro's Green C7Z170-OCE Motherboard.
I really really like the understated look of this board, its simplicity and lack of dragons, logos, racing stripes or carbon fiber details make it appealing to me also good to see green making a comeback *Cough GIGABYTE! wink wink nudge nudge :lol:
Well the main point of this board is its 40 lanes using a PLX chip. Thats also were the price tag of 340€ come from.
Well the main point of this board is its 40 lanes using a PLX chip. Thats also were the price tag of 340€ come from.

Even the one without the chip costs a lot of money. Super Micro stuff isn't cheap at any part of the market tbh.

It's well made, but I fear like many other manus who have tried to break out of the server market into the desktop market that it may not end well.

Tagan and so on failed to establish a place in the market and they had a tenth of the competition out there now.
Even the one without the chip costs a lot of money. Super Micro stuff isn't cheap at any part of the market tbh.

It's well made, but I fear like many other manus who have tried to break out of the server market into the desktop market that it may not end well.

Tagan and so on failed to establish a place in the market and they had a tenth of the competition out there now.

This one here has jumpers on it too.... So I cant expect much. It may be normal to use jumpers on server boards but enthusiasts like to tinker without the need to take half your rig apart.
Thats also were the price tag of 340€ come from.

I saw the Euro symbol and I felt so strange this is a British forum! :p:D

Supermicro is known for their server boards, give them some time and they'll surely be making some SOLID overclockers ^_^