Sony's Next-Gen PlayStation won't launch within the next 12 months

Doesn't seem like a reliable source. No link to any Sony interview.. just saying they said it is not believable

I don't have a full transcript of their earnings call yet. They often take ages for financial websites to get prepared.

It isn't coming in the financial year of 2019, which in other words is the next 12 months.
And then....just like always.....Xbox will beat it.

This makes no sense. It took Xbox to get ahead of power like what 12 years? They were equal in 360/PS3 and were most certainly behind until One X. Don't let your fanboy mindset confuse you..

Even if going by sales PS3 still outsold 360 and PS4 absolutely destroyed the One/X by 3:1...
The PS3 had a far more powerful CPU when used properly but the X360's GPU was generally abit more powerful & flexible. Conversely the base Xbone has a (slightly) more powerful CPU(And some more dedicated hardware units for signal processing) than the base PS4 but that ofc has a more powerful GPU. Then to be fair as things stand now the XboneX is undoubtedly more powerful in both aspects, having lived in houses with both a Pro and a OneX the latter definitely has a more premium feel(Quieter, smaller, faster, more functionality & weird cool features) but of course there's far more good single player exclusives on PS4 if that's your thing, but having some cool multiplayer exclusives and a good range of X360 games(Both a good range of exclusives and some general 7th gen gems) you can play with upgraded graphics is also quite nice, depends what you're after.