Sony draws a line between PlayStation and PC - Their Platform Comes First

Just wish they brought it down to 12 months max between PS release to PC release. Ideally 6 months but I'd be okay with 12. Love their games but man sometimes a MKB just suits some of their games more m
I mean, why else buy a ps5 other than exclusives?
Pricing and availability aren't great, the thing is so big its an eyesore and its hardware doesn't match up against its competitor which has 90% the same games and other exclusive franchises.
As far as i can see literally the only reason to buy one over an Xbox or PC would be the exclusives and for me personally, theres not enough of them to make me convert.
You never know, new fallout and elder scrolls could be Microsoft exclusives so choose your platform wisely
Why else? Literally because there are at minimum 3x the amount of PS players than Xbox? Nobody cares about Xbox. They release crap and all the good games are on PS and the AAA games come out on both. So you only gain better games by switching.

MS has to resort to buying out AAA studios with established IP to be able to compete. Even then most people would just buy the Series S and be done with it for the few good games. Most people just play fps anyway, which is sad but is what it is.

Xbox has its place but not for most people.
Well after them basically shutting down japan studio moving the bulk of there stuff to the US there is going to become less and less reason that i'd actually want a PS5, for me what made sony so good over the many years is fast becoming a thing of the past.

PC is my platform of choice for many reasons even without the sony games, as for xbox i literally have zero need for one since most all games come to PC in time.

It's the Japanese games I grew up enjoying most and the fact there is less and less of them is not a good thing at all, nintendo still put out some ok stuff but there issue is they are making the same thing over and over really would like some big new IP's not some rinse and repeat stuff.