Scaling box or capture card?


New member
Good morning.

I have a 1920x1200 IPS (BenQ BL2411PT) monitor which I'm happy with, but unfortunately it stretches the image when using 1920x1080 as the current resolution (the aspect ratio option in the monitor's OSD is greyed out for 1920x1080).

Therefore to get black bars I presume I'll need to get an HDMI scaler. Can anybody recommend a box that's under £50? Will it introduce any lag?

The main purpose of the HDMI scaling box will be to plug in the PS4. Alternatively I could be happy with an HDMI input card on the PC, but again there would need to be no extra latency and no compression (especially chroma subsampling).

Thank you in advance.
Can you not set the monitor pixel to 1:1? Pixel matching I think it's called.

Not sure what video card you have but you can set this up in Nvidia control panel under "Adjust Desktop Size and Position". Have a play with the scaling modes to see which one suits you.
As I said, the scaling options on the monitor are greyed out when using a 1920x1080 resolution. Also I'm talking about using a PS4, not a PC, so Nvidia scaling options don't apply.