I have at this moment in time an AMD K-6iii 400Mhz (that is how long I've been using AMD stuff ) and i'm seeing a trend for Retro gaming type machines. Simple enough..
Must use my K-6iii
ATX preferable
Sdram and not EDO
I can't be bothered with AT and floppy cables but needs must
Must boot MS-Dos 6, Win 95 and for giggles OS/2 Warp and be able to play Wolfenstein, Doom 2, Quake 2, Privateer 1 & 2 and X-Wing - That's the easy stuff - it must also be able to handle Grand Prix Legends
So K-6iii
Via or Apollo chipset board
256MB Ram?
?? GB HDD presumably non SATA maybe a SCSI drive?
Oh and an analog joystick
What do you think? I vaguely remember a Tyan board I lusted after back in the day..
Must use my K-6iii
ATX preferable
Sdram and not EDO
I can't be bothered with AT and floppy cables but needs must
Must boot MS-Dos 6, Win 95 and for giggles OS/2 Warp and be able to play Wolfenstein, Doom 2, Quake 2, Privateer 1 & 2 and X-Wing - That's the easy stuff - it must also be able to handle Grand Prix Legends
So K-6iii
Via or Apollo chipset board
256MB Ram?
?? GB HDD presumably non SATA maybe a SCSI drive?
Oh and an analog joystick
What do you think? I vaguely remember a Tyan board I lusted after back in the day..
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