Ram Options


New member
Looking ram options i usually stay with Corsair is there any other good manufacturer out there with low profile ram and 24000 mhz in different colours ( Red and Black )
well i've always been a big fan of kingston. Just took a quick look, they've got some low profile at 2400mhz called "Savage". They're in red and as i'm not sure if you mean you're looking for black and red ones or just other collors instead of red and black ^^
Well, you're not going to find 24000 MHz RAM, but these 2400MHz kits might float your boat.

G.Skill Ripjaws Z

G.Skill Sniper

That AMD Radeon R9 stuff

Mushkin Blackline

Mushkin Redline

Kingston HyperX Savage

Essentially, most RAM chips are manufactured in the same factories so quality and reliability-wise there's not a huge difference as long as you stick to respected brands including, but not limited to (in no specific order):
-Team (Group)
I have 8G of the Mushkin Blacklines in my rig @2400mhz. They work great. I've also used the G Skill , ripjaws and sniper, with great results.