QA Consultants find AMD's graphics drivers to be more stable than Nvidia's

I believe it. I've only ever had 1 issue with AMD drivers and it was my fault.

Since turning to nvidia I have had 3 and pretty much always has to do with Chrome.
Joking aside, I'm in the same boat

Only time the drivers 'crashed' on my 480 is when I OC'd the core too much using WattMan and it reverted back to stock. However with my 780s I had occasional driver crashes depending on how demanding the game was and how long it was running. But I distinctly remember GeForce Experience being totally horrible for driver updates and screwed my system up so bad I had to reinstall Windows. Even the Display Driver Uninstaller couldn't help
I blame the driver of AMD that I had massive fps drops and low fps overall when I got my HD5670 to replace my 8600GTS and the ATi should have around 1.5x the power........

But, with my 770, every CoD crashed from time to time because the driver crashed and thought my GPU got removed from the rig *facepalm*. Had no such issues with the 1070 yet. So I'm on nvidia's side.