Pocket PowerPlant


New member
With the technology in mobile phones becoming more advanced at a rapid pace, the batteries that power them are so far not able to keep up, only providing a days worth of charge with moderate usage at best. Then came along mobile travel chargers, able to plug into your handset and keep it going that while longer, but even those devices need a re-charge after a while.

Kraftwerk is a new kickstarter project that can charge an iPhone up to eleven times before needing a recharge itself, but this device doesn't connect to a wall outlet, its powered by gas. Yes you did read that right, gas, simply insert the tip of a $3-$5 Zippo butane fuel cartridge or something similar.

This could be a great solution to those who go camping, travelling or away from power outlets for extended periods of time and small enough to fit in your backpack or pockets.

This kickstarter project already has a large backing of $500,000 fundraising goal, with nearly $630,000 raised at press time and nearly fifty days left to go.

The retail price is expected to be around $149 which converts to £98.38 and some early units are already available for purchase at $99 which converts to £65.37 GBP.

Please leave your comments below giving your thoughts on this kickstarter project, have you donated already or willing to in the next fifty days?

You can back Kraftwerk Here


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