Over 24% of Steam Users are using Windows 10


News Guru
Over 24% of Steam Users are using Windows 10, which is already more than the number of users using Windows 8.1.


Read more on over 24% of Steam users using Windows 10.
I'm sure the promises of Dx12 had something to do with it.

The Steam Hardware Survey I'd imagine is probably the best indicator of what hardware and software gamers are using.
I'm sure the promises of Dx12 had something to do with it.

The Steam Hardware Survey I'd imagine is probably the best indicator of what hardware and software gamers are using.

Over %50 are not even in the steam survey steam asks you if you whant to be in it anless you ticked yes you are not in it.
Over %50 are not even in the steam survey steam asks you if you whant to be in it anless you ticked yes you are not in it.

Either way, Steam is a more indicative view about gamers. At a guess over 50% of PC's are in fact business use, which will often not upgrade due to specific software requirements and support.
That looks near identical to Steams numbers only a month ago....

The stats are september... a lot upgraded to w10 to try it (some forced) and a lot reinstaled there old os after trying it out.
w10 isent rigth yet-partly why i have never upgrade a os antill a service pack has been released (tbh if XP-64 had DX11 support i'ed still be useing it)
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The stats are september... a lot upgraded to w10 to try it (some forced) and a lot reinstaled there old os after trying it out.
w10 isent rigth yet-partly why i have never upgrade a os antill a service pack has been released (tbh if XP-64 had DX11 support i'ed still be useing it)

That spelling though...:eek:

W10 isn't even bad. Literally not a single issue even after swapping drivers and GPUs multiple times. Seems rock solid to me. Even games like Skyrim are totally fine. It's stable and worth getting. Certainly faster and when I go back to a W7 laptop it just feels soooo slugish in comparison.
That spelling though...:eek:

W10 isn't even bad. Literally not a single issue even after swapping drivers and GPUs multiple times. Seems rock solid to me. Even games like Skyrim are totally fine. It's stable and worth getting. Certainly faster and when I go back to a W7 laptop it just feels soooo slugish in comparison.

Completely agree with this, W10 has been great for me too. Had to do a fresh install to remove a few driver issues, but that generally happens with most Windows upgrades. The fact that it is stable so young really gives confidence in the OS.
No probs on W10 for me (touch wood). I've not gamed all that much, but the limited amount of gaming I've done has been pretty solid.
I'll stick with 8.1 until DX12 is relevant. I like an operating system that actually works with my PC reliably.
I'll stick with 8.1 until DX12 is relevant. I like an operating system that actually works with my PC reliably.

It is reliable? Ever use it for over a month? If you used it for couple days it's not exactly a good way to test a new OS. Now if you need 100% reliability for work or something similar then I would understand
I've used W10 since it launched so roughly 9 weeks and I've not had any problems minus drivers installing on their own which I fixed with a simple check box, All games run smooth as can be and I've had no program incompatibility issues :)
It is reliable? Ever use it for over a month? If you used it for couple days it's not exactly a good way to test a new OS. Now if you need 100% reliability for work or something similar then I would understand

I've been using it since the technical preview (dual boot) was first and I have had it on my laptop since launch. For my laptop it has been ok (a sure upgrade from Win7) but I have no idea why it just breaks my desktop. It has no features that are a 'must' right now compared to 8.1 so I can't be bothered to try and fix it.
I've been using it since the technical preview (dual boot) was first and I have had it on my laptop since launch. For my laptop it has been ok (a sure upgrade from Win7) but I have no idea why it just breaks my desktop. It has no features that are a 'must' right now compared to 8.1 so I can't be bothered to try and fix it.

Could be a BIOS or motherboard driver acting weird or something. But if your to lazy to fix it then I totally understand your laziness, I'm the same way:p