Ok, now you can unsub... o_O

I don't even know what to say about this, except that simply seeing the thumbnail has made a few brain cells die.
I personally think that they are becoming more and more childish... And even more and more unprofessional doing these things. After seeing more stuff like this, I've been drawn away from them... He started out as an unboxing, building channel. And now it's mostly just childish stuff :/.
This is genius, not only have they managed to make a point about how much heat is created by a system, but they have managed to get almost 140,000 views already.

It may not be a serious and scientific look at anything tech, but you gotta admit, it was fun!
Nope, Stupid and pointless video just goes to show that his "Fan Base" will watch anything.

This 'fan base' consists of 12yr olds instead of people who are genuinly interested in tech stuff and are looking for vids with decent content ;) haven't seen the vid, but just from looking at the thumbnail I know enough already.. Complete bs
I don't even know what to say about this, except that simply seeing the thumbnail has made a few brain cells die.
Maybe so.. but LTT has an uncanny/intelligent (you decide) ability to draw the views even through stupidity! I'll admit I watched it through and had a chuckle. With 400,998 views so far it's a hit you can't deny that. (very clever media)

Tom we need some dumb assery vids again, like the H100i 40 Fan video!
Maybe so.. but LTT has an uncanny/intelligent (you decide) ability to draw the views even through stupidity! I'll admit I watched it through and had a chuckle. With 400,998 views so far it's a hit you can't deny that. (very clever media)

Tom we need some dumb assery vids again, like the H100i 40 Fan video!

we cannot doubt his success, his view count alone is a great show of his popularity.

I do see the value in cringe vids like these, but they are not to my taste.

I would love to see a good troll video from tom, the h100 video has made me chuckle more than once.
I do see the value in cringe vids like these, but they are not to my taste.
Well sadly it's not a person by person basis, it's like Tom says "you have to look at the bigger picture" one persons butthurt is anothers pay cheque. I could spend all my time commenting on everything online that I dislike but it's counter productive and you'll only end up making yourself look stupid.

Better to ride the bus to your location than criticise the driver and delay the outcome.
The next video from Linus will probably be him demonstrating the benefits of using gentleman's relish as thermal interface material.

I stopped watching his videos once my neighbours identified the source driving all the local dogs mad as being my headphones.
The next video from Linus will probably be him demonstrating the benefits of using gentleman's relish as thermal interface material.

I stopped watching his videos once my neighbours identified the source driving all the local dogs mad as being my headphones.

Made me lol.

I stopped watching years ago when he was comparing everything to the size of an iphone.
Usually I have nothing against LTT or even Luke but lately content that he wants to claim as his is just garbage even the holy sh!t series which is mostly assisted by Linus is somewhat garbage as well, all I want is some reviews and unboxing of latest shizzle :s
Nice falling for bait guys.

Neither did i.

I thought Luke would be smarter than that but i guess he's nothing but a clone of Linus.

Making a video for the sake of making a video just to get videos.

For crying out loud it's a damn tech channel not some BS like that and before anyone else said it's Tech to me it's not it's just a pointless video.

But they know that there "Fan Base" will anything they make cause a lot of there "Fans" are brain washed. Sorry if that gets me into trouble from the Mod or TTL so be it i feel like i needed to get that out and it was the nicest way i could have said it