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Nvidia's Volta GPU architecture has reportedly been delayed until 2018.

Read more on Nvidia's Volta GPUs being delayed until 2018.

Read more on Nvidia's Volta GPUs being delayed until 2018.
On another forum I've read claims that both Pascal and Volta are pumped up Maxwell tech with small additions. I can't remember such a thing at all, rather the opposite, that they're new tech. Is there any truth to the former claim? Did I miss something?
I too believe that Pascal is a very promising chip!
Isn't everything basically pumped up something with some things added right back to 4XX though?
Wonder what they will release in 2017 then
Considering the Maxwell rollout took close to 18 months from the 750 (Feb '14) to the 980ti in June this year I'd say they're staggering Pascal as well. It's pretty close to 2016 now. Then Volta in 18/19. Unless AMD bring something out in the interim to bring forward the release schedule.
AMD is rumored for next summer release. So they probably won't be bothered to bring up their release schedule unless AMD do a refresh line in 2017
I seriously doubt that I'll be getting either as I've just ordered a pair of 980Ti's
Is HMC still a thing for Volta? Hybrid memory cube.
No idea.. I mean it's 3 years away lol^_^
Sure, it just went silent after announcing it. You'd think such a memory solution would get some stories out, like for HBM.