Nvidia Volta Reportedly Delayed until 2018

I suppose they see alot of potential with Pascal and so have pushed Volta back to utilise this. From what I read the 10nm wafers from TSMC won't be available to Nvidia until 2018.
I wonder if Volta's been delayed to allow them to seriously consider using Intel/Micron's 3D XPoint memory instead of HBM? It's so much faster and Intel are really keen to licence it out to third-parties, which will drive the prices down. Perhaps HBM could end up being a very small stepping stone after all.
On another forum I've read claims that both Pascal and Volta are pumped up Maxwell tech with small additions. I can't remember such a thing at all, rather the opposite, that they're new tech. Is there any truth to the former claim? Did I miss something?

I too believe that Pascal is a very promising chip!
On another forum I've read claims that both Pascal and Volta are pumped up Maxwell tech with small additions. I can't remember such a thing at all, rather the opposite, that they're new tech. Is there any truth to the former claim? Did I miss something?

I too believe that Pascal is a very promising chip!

Isn't everything basically pumped up something with some things added right back to 4XX though?

Isn't everything basically pumped up something with some things added right back to 4XX though?


That's how it works yeah small steps and voila - Evolution.

Keen for this. 2018 should be about EOL for my current Ivy Bridge system and 980s. (Ivy has done really well) 4k should be a competitive option by then. I'd better start saving!
Wonder what they will release in 2017 then

Considering the Maxwell rollout took close to 18 months from the 750 (Feb '14) to the 980ti in June this year I'd say they're staggering Pascal as well. It's pretty close to 2016 now. Then Volta in 18/19. Unless AMD bring something out in the interim to bring forward the release schedule.
Considering the Maxwell rollout took close to 18 months from the 750 (Feb '14) to the 980ti in June this year I'd say they're staggering Pascal as well. It's pretty close to 2016 now. Then Volta in 18/19. Unless AMD bring something out in the interim to bring forward the release schedule.

AMD is rumored for next summer release. So they probably won't be bothered to bring up their release schedule unless AMD do a refresh line in 2017
AMD is rumored for next summer release. So they probably won't be bothered to bring up their release schedule unless AMD do a refresh line in 2017

I hope they do. AMD look really good ATM.

I seriously doubt that I'll be getting either as I've just ordered a pair of 980Ti's

Nice. Should keep you going a couple of years easily. I'll hopefully be moving up to a 34" 3440*1440 panel next year so won't need to update the GPU's until I go 4k a couple of years after that. Unless they make a major change that absolutely requires new hardware. There's no such thing as future proof - but it's nice to be prepared :)
Sure, it just went silent after announcing it. You'd think such a memory solution would get some stories out, like for HBM.

Well tbh HBM was known to be worked on but no one ever talked about it until Fiji starting turning up. Probably be the same thing for whatever they plan on using. I don't think it would be wise to make there own Memory standard. Intel and Micron's Xpoint coming out will be the new Jedec standard, investing in there own would just be unwise at this point. Now if they did this couple years ago then I would have said go for it.
Then perhaps Volta will sport Xpoint, could be a reason for them doing Pascal first; would be a smart move. All I know is that HMC wasn't ready for 2016, and now with Xpoint... You're absolutely right it wouldn't make sense to continue it.