I'm sure AMD cards could run it better if they were allowed access to the code. But no, as usual both companies are gonna flat out refuse to work together. Understandable but so f*cking annoying.
well its one thing to have access to the ip/code..
And its another thing to have copys of the game that they can then look at and tweak drivers for performance to said game..
the harsh fact of it really is. NVIDIA do put a lot of effort in when it comes to optimizing games.
if a game dev sends nvida game keys nvidia uses them and sees what they can do to get more out of the hardware.
When the same game dev sends the same ammount of keys to amd, amd say thanks. then sit on them and dont do anything..
they dont fix issues or drivers untill after the fact usually.. (its like amd want to see how many games sell before they put any effort in to it)
i dont see how it is underhanded not to give amd the code to stuff because they really should not need it.
I have no doubt that the code IS designed to favour nvidia by targeting the parts that nvidia know they do better than amd, but that is just what a competitor would do. if amd did more with game devs during development "which they can" then im sure 1/2 these controversies would not exist..
i swapped to amd cards years ago so you could say i am a amd fan if you are that way inclined. but honestly 1/2 the issue is amd's lack of interest for optimizing.
I agree that it would be a much better world for gamers if all things were Open source.
But then we can argue that about direct x. which should be targeted above and beyond any nvidia/amd code.
And honestly even if they did get the code "which they wont" you would still see the nvida card performing better because as i said they will be targeting aspects of the card they know they do better than amd like tessellation..
So it would still be the same controversies, but you wopuld no longer have the "if we had the code" excuses.