Nvidia Release their Own Requirements for the Witcher 3


News Guru
Nvidia have released their own system requirements for the Witcher 3. Is your rig good enough?


You can read more on Nvidia's System Requirements for the Witcher 3 here.
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Well, my laptop struggles with the Witcher 2, so...
Oh well, I'm too busy playing Dark Souls and Counter-Strike anyway :lol:
Those aren't system requirements. That's just Nvidia's way of telling people to buy their latest and greatest. Both 700 and 600 series can run The Witcher 3.
I would be impressed if a single Titan-X could max it at 4k, that seems ambitious even without gameworks.

Those aren't system requirements. That's just Nvidia's way of telling people to buy their latest and greatest. Both 700 and 600 series can run The Witcher 3.

So a 680 could run TW3 at 1080P with max settings and all gameworks features turned on and get a good frame rate ? Highly doubt it.

These requirements are for a good frame rate, Yes the game will work on older hardware like the 680 or 780 but you're going to have to turn down settings to get a playable frame rate.

I would be impressed if a single Titan-X could max it at 4k, that seems ambitious even without gameworks.


Maybe at 30FPS, We'll find out when it comes out.
You know exactly what I meant, And maxing out TW3 at 4K on a single card with 30FPS is damn good.

Partly, I did think your two statements were conflicting though. They do over-hype the Titan-X in that chart, putting it on a level with SLI 980's is funny at least they imply you would need two for 4k + gameworks. Plus IRL a 780 will do everything that a 970 will and even now I don't think a 680 is too far behind, it should easily be competitive with a 960 and put out some decent frames at 1080p.

I don't believe nVidia are doing this for sales though, it makes sense for them to give a perspective of performance against their current line of cards seeing as they are actually available to purchase.

I think you might just need to break out your AMD rig for this big boy stuff Kaap!

Thanks now I'm counting down XD

Hang on let me just walk to my Bugatti Veyron and drive to my penthouse apartment on Mayfair and look at my triple 8K monitor for the graph.... ^_^

shame the Bugatti would run out of petrol after 12mins if you are in a rush ;)
Using a single card at 4K with all settings maxed and 30FPS is a good frame rate, Nothing conflicting about it.

So 30FPS is ok for max settings at 1080p with a card thats a few years old. Sorry but that is a double standard by anyone's admission.

The fact a single card can get 30fps in 4k is impressive. Saying 30fps is a good framerate is another thing :p

I said it's good for a single card at 4K especially on a triple A game/

So 30FPS is ok for max settings at 1080p with a card thats a few years old. Sorry but that is a double standard by anyone's admission.


I never said 30FPS at 1080P is a good frame rate, Don't put words in my mouth.

I said 30FPS at 4K with max settings on a single card is good.

I never said 30FPS is a good frame rate but for a single card at 4K that's damn good.
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I never said 30FPs at 1080P is a good frame rate, Don't put words in my mouth.

An acceptable FPS doesn't vary by resolution, your eyes will perceive it in exactly the same way. 30 FPS is equally acceptable at 1080p or 4k, most people wouldn't consider it acceptable at all.

I said 30FPS at 4K with max settings on a single card is good.

Yes, i agree, and in the sentence preceding it you said that you thought they were requirements for a good frame rate.
