Nvidia making GameWorks Source Code Publicly available!


News Guru
Nvidia has started to make the Source Code of their GameWorks tools publicly available, making Nvidia GameWorks a lot more similar to AMD's GPU Open.


Read more on Nvidia making some GameWorks Source code publicly available.
Nice to see nVidia have finally started to try and rescue gameworks from being a complete PR disaster it was slowly becoming.
But if that code is publicly available, how will fanboys blame "secret coding" for games not working well on other hardware :eek:
But if that code is publicly available, how will fanboys blame "secret coding" for games not working well on other hardware :eek:
TBF seeing as how nVidia can't seem to optimize for it either I don't see how things will change.

Now AMD has access to the code it'll actually work/AMD can't use that excuse anymore. Depends on how cynical you are with AMD. I'd hazard its a bit of both.
TBF seeing as how nVidia can't seem to optimize for it either I don't see how things will change.

Now AMD has access to the code it'll actually work/AMD can't use that excuse anymore. Depends on how cynical you are with AMD. I'd hazard its a bit of both.

I agree, not 100% about optimisation though. A lot of gameworks features are massively intensive when turned up. You could argue that it's pointless adding to a game when it will cripple even a top tier card or two, but who could live without ultra grass?

I think being available will as you put it, reduce excuses that inevitably lead to fanboy wars. Could be an interesting future either way.
I agree, not 100% about optimisation though. A lot of gameworks features are massively intensive when turned up. You could argue that it's pointless adding to a game when it will cripple even a top tier card or two, but who could live without ultra grass?

Needlessly intensive for what they do IMO. But I'm only saying that as a tinfoil hat wearing butthurt owner of a former flagship card.

Certain games do perfectly well (and look arguably better) than games with Gameworks/AMD's things. A good example is Mad Max. Hell, when games have both AMD and nVidia specific features it tends to go pretty well as well (see GTA V).
I'm pretty sure it's not the first time the Tek has used OC3D as a source. Also Awesome Hardware uses OC3D in almost every episode (:

Tek Syndicate has used OC3D quite a few times now even JayzTwoCents has in Tek Talk he used OC3D post about the stuff was going on with Thermaltacky