Nvidia GameWorks Comes to War Thunder


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Nvidia GameWorks is coming to War Thunder thanks to the most recent version of the game's Dagor Engine 4.0. This will give the game higher graphical detail, especially in the Game's water with Nvidia Waveworks.

Read more on Nvidia GameWorks coming to WAR THUNDER.
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Nice to see Nvidia supporting free to play games, I'm sure there will be plenty of Game(doesn't)works jokes to follow. But I agree, the game itself is IMHO rubbish.
While this is great and all, this game is so horribly supported and backwards it's not even worth the time:p

I disagree (although it has gone downhill recently I'll admit). The controls are fantastic, It has very decent graphics and was not pay to win. Heck it even ran very well when I had my 280X. The only real issues I've had with it is balancing (Russian planes are weirdly OP some of the time) and the client trying to set me up on a server in a completely different country from me. It's still got a lot of potential.

It has the same problems with grinding as WOT does though, especially at the higher levels.
I disagree (although it has gone downhill recently I'll admit). The controls are fantastic, It has very decent graphics and was not pay to win. Heck it even ran very well when I had my 280X. The only real issues I've had with it is balancing (Russian planes are weirdly OP some of the time) and the client trying to set me up on a server in a completely different country from me. It's still got a lot of potential.

It has the same problems with grinding as WOT does though, especially at the higher levels.

The graphics are great and controls aren't bad at all, but I was more pointing out how bad Gajin are with it and the way they handle things.. especially when it comes to balancing out tanks. It has a lot of potential but they honestly ruin it because they lock everything down. If you say anything negative about them on there forums or YouTube they ban you or get the video removed.
WoT is much better imo for what it is(more arcade side of things) however it does have some realistic physics when it comes to shellls and armor/angles. High tier grinding isn't hard if you have skill. Just takes long and not all tanks are great which could add to the problem
High tier grinding isn't hard if you have skill. Just takes long and not all tanks are great which could add to the problem

Really? Maybe I should give it another go as I got so fed up with the lack of progress I uninstalled it. The same kinda happened with War Thunder.

The tank balancing isn't nearly as much of an issue as people make out until you hit the higher tiers. I'm probably saying that because my nation of choice for tanks was the USSR and they're often OP. Planes wise you just need to be able to fly properly and think before you get into a dogfight.
Really? Maybe I should give it another go as I got so fed up with the lack of progress I uninstalled it. The same kinda happened with War Thunder.

The tank balancing isn't nearly as much of an issue as people make out until you hit the higher tiers. I'm probably saying that because my nation of choice for tanks was the USSR and they're often OP. Planes wise you just need to be able to fly properly and think before you get into a dogfight.

Ya definitely give it another go! Once you hit tier 8 it's much more fun and is where you start hitting all the really good tanks. Also you start playing with better players and you can learn from watching them or whatever. Haven't played much warthunder but I didn't really like it, but that was way back in early beta
It is an issue the way they handle the balancing. If a certain high tier tank (like the great is7) is being played really poorly because many bad players start playing it, what happens is they buff it to make it better and more "in line" with all other tanks even though the is7 is already an amazing tank. Just an example but it's hardly the ideal way for balancing. Other than that it has so much potential but management wise it's holding them back. They don't even have the navyal aspect of the game yet when they promised it way back. Shame too because the new World of Warships from WG is absolutely fantastic. They missed a pretty big opportunity there
I love the game tbh. I just think that they should fix some of the balance issues that they have, and we know they are russian developers but that is no excuse to make the russian tanks WAY OP.... its just not fun when u get against some super isX tanks that have super armour and even better armour with the sloped armour buff....

At least its NOT a free game that is pay-to-win.